Stuck With A Chinese Algae Eater

I have until recently had two Flying Foxes. I'm not too sure, but I don't think these are the same as CAE's. However, the larger of the two FF's was agressive towards the smaller one, until I decided enough was enough. I and my son eventually managed to catch him and the LFS took him back with no problems atall. Since he's been gone, the smaller FF has come on in leaps and bounds, eating and growing. At the moment he is less than 2" long, and is very peaceful. I shall keep a very keen eye on him as he grows, though.

nah I don't think they're the same thing. CAE's can get to 18" :/
Nope they are definitely not the same.

Chinese Algae eater is Gyrinocheilus aymonieri - and generally obtain more than 10" in a tank. 18" is not the norm and probably exceptions in the wild, but I've not heard of them getting that big.

Flying Fox is Epalzeorhynchos kalopterus and can reach 6"

Then of course there is also the Siamese Algae Eater which is Crossocheilus siamensis and can also obtain 6".

(Edit: some more info on all the differences.)

sure that was the size I'd heard or read somewhere, as ever I'm happy to accept I may well be very wrong.... but none the less they still get huuuuuuge :crazy:
4 unknown fish that are yellow with a black stripe. The LFS told me they were lemon tetras but months after I got them I looked at a picture of lemon tetras and they look nothing like them. Wrong body type, wrong color, definitely something different. They are 2 inches and I have no idea what they are.


Black Neon Tetras, maybe? Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi
Miss Wiggle what is this fish that is in ur pic under ur name...i seen them in my local LFS and was hoping to research them for my upcomin tanks:D thanks
Miss Wiggle what is this fish that is in ur pic under ur name...i seen them in my local LFS and was hoping to research them for my upcomin tanks:D thanks

that's a parrot fish, her name's polly! they're a hybrid cichlid, you can pick them up pretty easily. Have a look in the hybrid section on here there's plenty of info

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