Which Species To Choose?

Ricky Savage

Fish Fanatic
Sep 8, 2006
Reaction score
St Catharines Ontario
I have a almost empty Ten gal tank...there is just one White Skirt tetra in there, he is aggressive towards any fish that comes too close... i was wondering what sort of livebearers would work in the tank with him, which ones would not stress too easy?
IME the small common livebearers, i.e. guppies and platies (and probably goes for endlers, too) are not the most stress resistent of creatures, so sticking them in with an aggressive tetra in a small tank where they can't get away would seem very cruel. They probably wouldn't last long.
Yeah, livebearers are prone to stress. I'd some corydoras; I've got aggresive fish and they never bother them.
Just a suggestion, why dont yo get a couple more WS tetras, then he may not me so aggressive if hes with a few of his/her kind :)
when i first got the tank he was part of a group of five, where he became dominant, and one by one the others died

Did the others die as a direct result of bullying? In that case, it's difficult to see what fish he can be put within such a small tank. Most fish would meet the same fate, anything aggressive enough to cope might take him out. He might do well in a larger tank and with a big school of other white skirts, so there would be several for him to measure his strength against.
yeah it seems that way, he somewhat singled them, out one by one. Because the other fish did not die of any apparant sickness and they were fed well. I'm getting a 45-60 gal tank within the month, so maybe he will have togo in there, and ill just keep the 10 gal as a rearing tank.
The tetra will be fine on his own, once they realise they're dominant they don't like any new additions. You *could* have livebearers, it's mainly a case of removing/seperating the tetra for a week or so when you have the livebearers so he doesn't feel they're intruding his space.
How attatched are you to him? You could take him back and start up a livebearer community, my mollies and platies are so entertaining together! :wub:

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