
Of the tetras I've kept, my favorite for now is Boehlkea fredcochui, known as the Blue tetra. Subtle colors, very, very pretty. Almost danio-like really.
currently my fave tetra is the so called 'red-finned tetra' tetragonopterus argenteus

a stunning fish that are more of a pack than a school/shoal :hey:
I had a couple of albino glowlights once, they were great once the other four died. The dominant one was my favourite though.
mine would have to be columbian red fin tetras, they're colourful and grow nice and big too
In the "big tetras" bracket, I'd agree with The Wolf that Tetragonopterus argenteus are very impressive beasts. For the small tetras, my vote has to go for the bleeding heart tetras Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma not just because they are pretty little things but also because of their temperament. They 'play' almost constantly, rather than just sitting there like neons and cardinals. The are also incredibly robust, and work well with even moderately risky fish like South American puffers -- they have just the right balance of speed and intelligence to avoid trouble (again, something neons and cardinals don't seem to have!). There only downside is to get good colours you need lots of shade and a dark substrate (they fade to pink in bright tanks) and they aren't wild about hard, alkaline water.

Cheers, Neale
Well we only got neons, but theyre great! We had 6, 1 died and another disappeared, and they went very shy and just hid. But when we topped them up to 6 again they started getting really playful. Now they're out all day chasing each other about. Bless their cottons. :)

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