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  1. B

    How to get free tanks

    Yeah...once you break the ice, the next hardest part is picking it all up...haha. :D
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    What's your opinion?

    I want to turn my empty 75 gal into a marine. It'll be running an Emperor 400 filter. I was wondering if you guys think I could be able to do it without a protein skimmer. I don't want to put a lot of fish, or any big fish right now. I've never done marine before, so i would start with small...
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    To CandyCo...I would seperate them, and that will buy them a little more time, but you still might have to upgrade to about a 75 once they get bigger.
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    seff-serve fish tanks

    Yeah...that's really strange. I wonder why anybody would risk the fishes' lives and their $ like that.
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    If you were to start an LFS....

    In response to VIP's post. I don't know about the laws in Australia, but in the US you can't go around putting stuff in people's mailboxes, it's a federal crime. Just figured I'd fill you in. Don't want any of our friends getting in trouble...especially as a business. As an alternative you...
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    How to get free tanks

    You don't need to come out and ask for tanks, but talk about breeding fish or if you want to open up a fish store or something. That's how I just got my newest one. My friend's mom was asking me how everything was going/about the future/blah blah blah. And I said how I would love to open a...
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    How to get free tanks

    I just wanted to let everybody know that there is a way to get free fish stuff. I feel very fortunate to be getting all my stuff. But every tank I have has been free. A lot of people had them for their kids when they were younger, or have them laying around for some reason or another. The...
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    LFS Advice

    Yeah this is a messed up situation, and I really haven't seen it happen yet, mainly because at the fish store I go to - the guy knows his stuff. I do most of my research online too, but I still expect the people at the shop to know about the fish they carry. I understand that for some people...
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    Aquascaping Software?

    I think it's a great idea, unfortunately my programming skills aren't that great. I would take pictures of the stuff I have for you guys, but I don't have a good digital camera. Just wanted to post this for moral support. If there are any small things I can do, I'll try and help, just let me...
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    Fish and Fire Bellied Toad???

    The convicts are now in their own 30 gal long tank with undergravel filtration. They are still babies so look a little small in there, but they'll grow into it.
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    What did you do on Saturday night?

    My girlfriend and I just made a fish house tonight. I'll try to get pictures up if I can get a digital image of it. It's awesome what a little slate and silicon will do.
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    cichlid caves by matt

    GE Silicon I is safe for fish right?
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    Central Filtration System

    The pump I'll be using is only 180 GPH.
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    Central Filtration System

    I may keep the 5 and one of the 10's out of the loop for sick or fry tanks
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    Central Filtration System

    fresh water I'll probably keep my 75 gal tank seperated from the rest. So: 5+10(3)+29+30=94 gal, so roughly 100 gal.
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    Central Filtration System

    I've got a bunch of tanks, and I don't want to get a complete setup for each of them, so I was thinking about going central. I was just gonna line the tanks up, set up a syphon from one to the next, and when it comes to the last tank in the line, I have a pump so I can run the water to a...
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    Fish and Fire Bellied Toad???

    Just so everybody knows, I put convicts into the tank, and they're doing fine. :D
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    seashells in tank - safe?

    For just about anything I put in my tank, I boil them first. I've got a few in my 10 gal with angels and platies, and they're fine. They raised the pH just a little, but not to the point to do any damage.
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    sexing angels

    Just wondering what characteristics to look for in male and female angels to tell them apart. Pictures help if anybody has them. Thanks!
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    fish for very small aquarium

    A lot of people are starting to do mini-reef tanks with 5 gal. tanks. They usually consist of clownfish or damsels. So it is possible to do it. If you have the money, I say try it and see what happens. :)
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    Fish and Fire Bellied Toad???

    Alright, cool, thanks for the info. I was planning on putting a hardy fish in there. Possibly convicts or guppies.
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    Fish and Fire Bellied Toad???

    I was just wondering if anybody knew anything about Fire Bellied Toads. I have one, and I want to put some fish in his tank, but it seems like there is a film on the top of the water. I have no clue what this is, but I figure it's from the FBT, and was just wondering if it would be harmful to...