fish for very small aquarium

Jul 15, 2004
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I know this is a very small aquarium for salt water, but I have it laying around, and I would really like to set it up as a 1st salt water tank. Does anyone know any fish that would be happy in a 5 gallon tank? Or any other creatures.
I don't know of any fish that would be happy in a five gallon saltwater aquarium ;)

ste :)
I would personally recommend you start with a slightly larger tank, it really isn't expensive to buy a second hand 15 or 20 gallon tank and it would make your life much easier. I can't think of any fish that would be happy for any length of time in a 5 gallon tank - sorry.
yeah, that's too small for much of anything, and seeing how it would be
your first tank,it would not be a good choice.
A lot of people are starting to do mini-reef tanks with 5 gal. tanks. They usually consist of clownfish or damsels. So it is possible to do it. If you have the money, I say try it and see what happens. :)
These small aquariums are called nano reefs and are for Experiences marine fish keepers only, not a quick and cheap way of getting into marines. People see them as more of a challenge and something to move onto after having a "normal" sized aquarium. I don't know of many people who have gone straight for a nano before an average aquarium.

I say try it and see what happens

Thats not really the attitude to have when starting a marine aquarium. If it were an expensive aquarium with a rare, expensive fish, I don't think the try it, and see what happens approach would be used. Just because you may be using cheaper fish and a cheaper tank dosn't mean the fish won't suffer any less if it does go wrong.

ste -_-
If it were an expensive aquarium with a rare, expensive fish, I don't think the try it, and see what happens approach would be used. Just because you may be using cheaper fish and a cheaper tank dosn't mean the fish won't suffer any less if it does go wrong.

Wise words :nod:
ive seen 5 gallons done with BABY clownfish, but they can only be in there for so long :/
a friend has a 5 gal with a single clown fish, a baby.. and its doing fine after a year of having it. Im assuming its ok for awhile, but not longer.

hey, this is my opinion from what others told me, Im learning as well :D
I feel that a tank that small should be avoided by someone new
to the hobby.
The problem that many newcomers to marines fall into and its no different all around the world it seems is that they g out and get a tiny tank to "try it and see" type of approach. This is probably the biggest mistake they can make and its right at the start of creating a marin tank. As soon as the tank has been purchased they are now having to work withing the limits of the tank. Its then that they discover that it has alot problems witha tank so small. Filtration, lighting, heat issues, water peramters. All of these and much more become far more of an issue with a tiny tank than a larger tank. When things go wrong (and they always will even to the best fish keeper) then you might only have minutes to save your livestock whereas a large tank will give you hours or even a couple of days.

I can see the attraction of a small tank but being in ths hobby, I already know how difficult they are to maintain.

Unfortuntaly alot of LFS seemto be quite happy to sell tiny tanks and even tel people that they can easily keep any marine fish they like in them. This is irrisponsible and toally the wrong advice. If anyone has a local shop that treats customers this way then my advice is DONT USE THEM AGAIN! :X
A responsible fish shop will ask the customer questions. What spce they have, what type of fish tey want, what budget are they working on. And a responcible fish shop will turn away a customer if they feel the person is not able to look after or maintain a tank. Unfortuntely these shops seem very few and far between but if you ever are lucky enough to find one then stick with themand give them your custom. They might not always tell you what you want to hear but you can be assured that they are doing this because they care for the welfare fof their stock! :)

As has been monetioned, a 5 gallon tank is just to small for anything other than perhaps a hospital tank, or maybe a refugium etc. But s a main tank its just too difficult to keep stable. :*)

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