Central Filtration System


Fish Fanatic
Oct 16, 2004
Reaction score
Tuckerton, New Jersey
I've got a bunch of tanks, and I don't want to get a complete setup for each of them, so I was thinking about going central. I was just gonna line the tanks up, set up a syphon from one to the next, and when it comes to the last tank in the line, I have a pump so I can run the water to a filter, and back through. If anybody has any ideas that are better, or any ideas to make this better, let me know. Also, input on filter media would be helpful...I was planning on using sponge and lava rock, any other ideas?
fresh water

I'll probably keep my 75 gal tank seperated from the rest. So: 5+10(3)+29+30=94 gal, so roughly 100 gal.
the honest truth is i dont think you have anywhere near enough tanks or gallons for that matter to set one up, i dont think they come small enough or what you could do is just build one yourself useing a 4ft 55g tank, your pump will have to be very big for sucktion as well.
The problem with central filters and non-drilled tanks is the risk of losing the water bridge/siphon between two tanks. You will need to be extremely careful in the design of this item. Most central systems have holes drilled in the sides and horizontal connecting pipes, water then extracted from one end and pumped into the othr as you propose, or they have an overflow/standpipe arrangement and water from the filter running seperately into each tank.

A UV steriliser is a good item in centralised setups.

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