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  1. P


    No you can't the rule is 10G per inch. You will need to upgrade VERY quickly. Paul
  2. P

    Terrapin Tanks

    They need 10G per inch. This one is a 55G, housing a 4.5" Red Eared Slider. I will need a 120G in the future, as this is a female slider, but unfortunatly you can only accurately tell that when they are around 4" long. Paul
  3. P

    My Great Terrapins

    :crazy: More to the animl will 'take waste in' they will all contribute further to the waste in the tank. Plecos are like spaghetti factories, and don't stand a chance against a curios turtle. They can also do a fair bit of damage to a turtle, if they such on the eyes while it's...
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    Yellow Bellied Terrapin

    True, it can be used by turtles as mating behaviour or to express dominance, but that is not the only time. As juveniles, they tend to try it out on tank decor and such. Mine even tried to tickle a penknife through the tank glass. Paul
  5. P


    No you should not. You have no idea what kind of turtle it was, and clearly have not researched into the care. They need huge enclosures and can live for 40 years+, its not something you can just get out of easily, as many rescue centres are chock-a-block full of unwanted turtles. What species...
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    Yellow Bellied Terrapin

    Both sexes 'experiment' with the mating dance (called fanning ;) ) but it is usually not a problem. If the larger turtle begins to injure or harrass the other in an attempt to try and mate with it, you will need to separate, they can be quite vicious to their partners. Paul
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    My Turtle Setups...

    As a beginner species, many people make the mistake of getting a RES because they are so abundant. Unfortunatly, they grow so large that I do not agree with this. Musk turtles are a good beginner. They stay a lot smaller (4-6"), so can live happily in a 55G for life, and decent breeders are easy...
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    Juwel Rio 125-new Layout

    Thanks for sharing. I love the layout, and I love Keyhole Cichlids :) I also love plecos, is that a Gibby? Paul
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    Tiger Barb Information Clarification =d

    Thank you for clarifying. I might get a small shoal for my 55G. Just out of interest, new additions to shoals are welcomed right? I was thinking of a shoal of 8, then adding a few later on. Paul
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    My Turtle Setups...

    Haha thanks for comments. I will try to capture the moment Pancake takes one of my fingers off :D Paul
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    Soft Shell Turtle

    No, softshells are not for you. That tank is not even big enough for a hatchling, and you would probably need atleast a 100L just to keep a hatchling for a small amount because they grow so fast, and anything smaller would require you to upgrade in a matter of weeks. Add all the other equipment...
  12. P

    My Turtle Setups...

    Here are two of my turtle setups: Red Eared Slider Enclosure: Let me tell you something. Red Eared Sliders are one of the most abused reptiles in the trade. Pet shops sell them will false information (incluing the 'grow to the size of the tank' rubbish) and with a little plastic bowl. Let me...
  13. P

    Tiger Barb Information Clarification =d

    Hello all. I was just wanting to know if then following information is correct. I was told by the lfs that Tiger barbs should be kept in even numbers, so that each one has someone else to chase, true? I was also told that they will school with similar barbs, regardless of color or origin, aslong...
  14. P

    Terrapin Trouble

    Where do you ge this information from? Turtles are extremely strong animals, and as RESGuy has said, it is not the weight of the gravel you should be worried about. I myself have had impacted turtles, and they all manage to move/swim/bask fine, so please refrain yourself from posting incorrect...
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    Soft Shell Turtle

    BOO!!! Hello everyone, I see a few of you need a bit of education. Thanks for the prompt RESGuy. I myself have owned turtles for 8 years, and own a Chinese Softshell myself. Lets go throught a few key points: 1.Turtles do not grow to the size of the tank. This is a myth created by petstores...
  16. P

    New 30gallon Tank Come Read!

    Up to you. What limits do you have, such as price for the animal, price for equipment etc.? I'm hoping to get a breeding quad of green anoles for one of my 30Gs, but most tree frogs will be ok in a tank that size. Paul
  17. P

    Does Anyone Know How Much A Turtle Cost?

    Aquatic turtles need 10G for every inch, so one 12" turtle would need a 120G, or two 12" turtles would need 240G and so on. Always bear in mind the adult size, they usually grow quick. Along with a big enough tank, you will need a heater, filter rated for a tank 3x the size (because turtles...
  18. P

    Terrapin Trouble

    It needs a UVB producing lamp. These are available for reptiles for around £20-30. Without this, they cannot digest calcium and they get shell problems. A UVB lamp will have UVA regardless, which is good for behaviour/feeding. It looks like a River Cooter to me (AKA Hieroglphic turtle). Paul
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    Just Got Into Piranhas...

    Yes, I only have one. It was the last one of that size in the shop, they only have adults and babies otherwise. I may add some later, but for now that's all I can manage. The tank is about 10G. He is 3", and I make sure that the water is clean. Upgrading soon. Paul
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    Keeping An Green Anole And A Whites Tree Frog

    If your Anole is lonely, why not get another Anole? Anoles wont like Tree Frogs because the Tree frogs are natural competitors for food, so it certainly isn't going to cure his 'lonelyness'. Also, the Tree Frogs are nocturnal, so why the heck would putting one in the tank help, other than...
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    Just Got Into Piranhas...

    Hello again. I haven't been here for ages, so I thought I'd appear and keep the website handy if I need any help from time to time. :good: About 2-3 weeks ago I bought myself this little guy, a Red Belly Piranha, from my LFS. He's been fine so far, tearing into prawn, lancefish, gobbling up...
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    Anyone Else Keeping Keyholes?

    I have a nice little keyhole cichlid, and although I would love to breed her, I can't find any more! Anyone know of any fish retailers in the UK doing keyholes? Paul
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    Vote For Me!

    Looks nice RESguy! Paul
  24. P

    Hey There...

    Hi, I just got referred here. I keep: 1x Gibbiceps Plecostomus (about 4", had for a few months) 1x Vampire Plecostomus (about 2-3", had for a while) 1x Candystripe Plecostomus (about 2", had for a few weeks) 1x Keyhole cichlid (had for a few months) 4x mollies (Had for about 6 months) 1x peacock...