

Fish Addict
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
Essex UK
hey all
are there any baby turtles or terripins that could grow up in a 15uk gallon tank just till there bigger?
my LFS has yellow and red belly turtles and those long neck ones
and ive always wanted one so could one be on in there for a lil while there still really small
thanks alot
Most species of Turtles get quite large, and would need larger tanks when adult, Sternotherus odoratus, a species of Musk Turtle, doesnt get that big though, only around 12cm when adult.
ok then thanks
but do you think i could keep young ones in a 25 gallon tank till there bigger?
its a 2ft tanks
ok then thanks
but do you think i could keep young ones in a 25 gallon tank till there bigger?
its a 2ft tanks

yes, you could probably keep a pair in a 2ft tank till their adult, maybe even when they are adult, though a 3ft tank would probably be best for keeping more than one adult.
No you can't the rule is 10G per inch. You will need to upgrade VERY quickly.
ok well il just up grade when i need to
so anyone wana give me some ideas for set up?
also how deep should water be for them?
No you can't the rule is 10G per inch. You will need to upgrade VERY quickly.

ok well il just up grade when i need to
so anyone wana give me some ideas for set up?
also how deep should water be for them?
You will find yourself having to upgrade within a few months if you put a turtle in a 25 gallon tank. In the future you will end up needing a 100 - 120 gallon tank from the turtles you mentioned.
I would fill the tank up 3/4 of the way up, maybe a little less :good:
i dont care wen i hav to upgrade and how big the tank has to be
its fine wiv me how ever it has to be
so anyway like i asked can anyone giv me any idea on good tank set up?
Wow they look cool! :good:
How comes noone responds like this when i ask for pics for axolotl and newt tank setups? :blink:
okay wait... you said originally 15gallon tank, is it 15 or 25 gallons? I'm a bit confused there... Also, the rule of thumb for a turtle is fill it up with as much water as their body is long, so if they're 3" long, then have the water 3" deep... and so on and so forth
My girlfriend and I have a small hatchling Eastern Painted turtle. He's awesome. He's in a 10 gal about 1/2 filled up with water and he has a basking area and some plants. Turtle setups can be quite expensive, so be ready to spend some $$. He will be find in there for a little while longer, then he'll need to be moved into a larger tank.
I have two small short necks in a custom made turtle tank with ledge.

The turts that used to be in it are now out in a pond because they got too big for it.

With depth you can have it 3/4 full, if it looks too deep put in some rocks or something for the turts to stand on so that they can stick theirs noses out of the water.
If you can get a tank with a ledge it means that you are not sacrifising swimming around for a place they can get out.

It can be the same as fish, the bigger the tank the better the water quality will be with waste.
Also with turts the filter will need to be at least 4 times bigger then the tank size.

They can be stinky but with a bigger tank it is easyer to keep clean.
Also don't put anything in the tank that will fit in the turts mouths except food. In other words don't use a substrate of gravel, Keep it as a clear base with just big rocks for them to climb over.

The other thing is over feeding, like fish they will eat what ever you put in front of them.
With fish it is apparatly the size of their eye to how much you feed them, with turts it is the size of their head.
Young turts feed once a day and older 2-3 times a week

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