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    Your Betta Tanks...

    - several 54 L - for females / youngsters / single males - 20 L - one male - 250 L - one male
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    5 gallon divided 3 ways?

    Betta's can be kept in small volumes of water but it isn't advisible. The water gets polluted quickly and the fish hasn't enough room to really swim / investigate. It's more difficult to keep a betta healty in a small tank than it is in a big one. Betta's that are kept in larger tanks live...
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    Dwarf Gourami Loosing color??? HELP

    Usually if fish lose their color something is wrong. They can be sick or are stressed because they are kept wrong. So can you tell a little bit more? Tank size, other inhabitants, plants, food, how often do you do waterchanges, the water parameters like temp and pH. Are there anyother symptoms...
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    Betta Macrostoma...

    Hahaha 400 a pair...what a rip off.. :rofl: Yes, this species isn't very common but not so rare that they are worth 400 dollars. But they are very senitive and only experienced people should keep them, cause they get sick quickly if kept under wrong circumstances.
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    betta food - suggestions!

    Yes, dwarf cory's are small but they like to swim. They are much more active swimmers than other cory species. So they need more space than the half of a 5 gallon bowl. If you know they like to school, then why do you still want to put only 2 together?
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    does anyone know

    Betta imbellis: Origin: Thailand; phuket, Ko Samui, Malaysia; near Kuala Lumpur, penang. Indonesia: North Sumatra(Medan and Sibolga) ,Vietnam, Phu Quoc.Here the fish occur mainly in the densely planted zones at the edge of the water. Care: Can be kept in small 40 cm tanks, but also in...
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    betta food - suggestions!

    Only 5 gallon for 2 betta's and 4 cory's? :crazy: Don't you think that's a tight squeeze? Cory's like the company of several members of there own species and to put only 2 of them together..... :/ Food: frozen or live foods (bloodworms, artemia etc)
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    Silver male

    Male betta's don't want to kill females (the same can't be said for some human males)....they just want to chase them of off their territory. But people keep males and female betta's in small tanks and with very few plans so the female can't get out of the territory of the males and the male...
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    Silver male

    Some people have males toghether but these are exeptions. Usually they will fight if they are put together. In a big tank with lots of plants the fights will be less severe and the fish can avoid each other. But fighting will occur and the chance that the fish are injured and get sick is high.
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    Silver male

    Betta imbellis is not peaceful and it's certainly not silver. Plakats aren't nessesarily more agressive than other tail forms. Each fish has a different character. Some males are very agressive and others are more docile....same goes for females.
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    Sleepy beta?

    I think it's better to leave the father a little bit longer with his nest untill the fry swim free. For a healthy male this will be no problem. If you think it's better to remove the male it's a good idea to lower the water level, but don't raise it until the fry are about 2 weeks old.
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    Betta imbellis

    What I ment to say: Betta imbellis males can be kept with betta imbellis females. Like betta splendens males can be kept with betta splendens females. It is also possible to mix the species, because they are so alike they will interbreed.
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    Betta imbellis

    Male betta imbellis can be housed with several females (like the betta splendens) but the tank has to be big enough with lots of plants and hiding places.
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    Betta imbellis

    No, they cannot be housed togehter. Betta Imbellis is just as agressive as betta splendens. Some people report that they house male betta's together but these are exeptions.
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    Rays and Branches

    The ray's are the..euhhh :/ ...I wish my english was better...(I'm improvising here so forgive the bad english :X ) are the "spines" between the webbing of the fins. These ray's can branch (like the branches on a tree, in HM's they branch many times) and the number of branches is of influence...
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    Plakat question

    A plakat betta has a short tail, that why it's often difficult to see if it's a juvinile male or a female because the fins of a male are only slightly longer. pictures and some more information:
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    Best Gourami?

    I like dwarf goerami's most, the wild type fish. The ones that are bred for a certain color (red or blue) usually aren't as pretty (color as well as body shape) as the fish with the original colors. But this is my opinion.
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    Plastic Plants....

    I use only real plants in my tanks. They are much better for the fish than fake plants. They purify the water, create hiding places and add oxigen to the water for the betta's and look much prettier than fake plants.
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    Whats the most bettas you ever had?

    I just sold a nest so now I'm down to only 14 betta's -blue crowntail: 1 male, 2 female -red crowntail: 1 male, 1 female -black crowntail: 1 male, 1 female -1 red super delta female -1 blue plakat female I also have betta smaragdina's : 1 male + 4 female.
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    while trying to breed bettas

    You can release the female even if your male hasn't build a nest. Some males will build a nest during the spawning or shortly before.
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    Bettas living together

    Did the female show vertical bars on her sides? If she didn't she isn't ready to mate. Feed her and the male live or frozen food for about 3 weeks if they are usually fed with dry food. The female needs this to produce eggs and both sexes need to biuld their strengths for the mating process...
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    Fasting your betta

    The reason why most people fast there fish is so they won't get to fat. A lot of fish die from fatty degeneration of their organs.
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    gouamis (sp) in a bowl?

    Even dwarf goerami's shouldn't be kept in a bowl, they need space to feel happy and display there natural behaviour. I think that no fish should be kept in a bowl.
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    Fasting your betta

    I don't feed my betta's and other fish one day a week and they are also fed one day a week with only cyclops. The cyclops contains a lot of non digestiable matter that stimulates the disgestive tract.
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    my betta eats boogers

    hi everyone my betta eats boogers seems to enjoy them immensely. i can tell because he will not spit it out like other food. are they a good source of protein? in addition to his regular diet of pellet food, he also will eat bread, rice grains (doesnt like that as much), and oranges...
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    Breeding chart for bettas

    Jup, that's a very good site :thumbs:
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    moving betta to community tank

    @ james Do you put your fish in that bottle just to ajust to the water or does he live in there?
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    how big do betta's get?

    My betta's are fed with bloodworms, artemia, black and white mosquitolarve, and cyclops. They get a much as they can eat within 5 minutes. Young betta's are fed 6x a day. There is a breed of betta's that get much bigger than the average "normal" betta, they are called giants.
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    Pics of siamese fighters

    There are rules what a type of show betta should look like. But different organisations use slightly different rules. Lets take HM (halfmoon) as an example: The tailfin has to have a 180 degrees spread and the edges have to be strait, no round edges. But this is just one of the rules for HM...
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    Need Best Advice

    Put the fish in a tank with no other fish (minimal size = 60 cm) The tank should have lots of (live) plants and floting plants. Use a dark substrate for the bottom. Start with a temp of 25 degrees and slowly raise the temp to 28 degrees. Some also lower the water level, but I never do this. I...
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    Pics of siamese fighters

    Here are two of my male betta's Red CT Black CT
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    Substrate: dark small gravel and dead leaves and always lot of live plants in the tanks. All my betta's have heaters, the temperature in my room fluctuates to much and is amost always to low for betta's to live comfortably.
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    How many Bettas Does it take?

    For now I have 10 but there will be much more soon.
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    Need Best Advice

    what things did you try already?
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    sick betta baby

    I tough that this is caused by Flexibacter columnaris. But I don't know what you can do to help your fish... Good luck :/
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    Gourami and bubble nest

    They make them when they are horny or just happy :rofl: He will build his nest and when it's done he will try to lure the female to it and mate with hem. But as long as he is building he will case off the female. There is one exeption...if the female doesn't want to wait for him to finish...
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    Lost faith in my new LFS

    :grr: I only go to a specialysed more petshops with fish for me. All the people in those stores (in my neighborhood) know nothing about fish and good fish keeping. They sell people sick fish, advise wrong fish combinations and don't know the first thing about water chemistry...
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    Gourami question

    Yes they will breed. Infact, it can help to persuade the female to breed if there is a competiter around. I use that tric if a betta female is hestiant to breed with the male. I put another female in the tank to make the other female "jealous".
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    any betta breeders out there?

    I think fighting betta's is wrong, the way en the reason they fight in nature is a completely different thing as putting them together to fight for human amusement. I know something about the traditional way the fighers are handeled and fought against each other. The people (most) that do this...
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    How many female bettas in a tank?

    It doesn't matter how many females you have in a tank (so long there is enough room of every fish) I've kept 2-3-4 etc females together (for years) without problems. Just keep them not to crowed and in a densly planted tank.