Bettas living together


Apr 28, 2004
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Hesperia, Ca USA
Yea, its just me again.

My male betta finally built a bubble nesst and i waited to put my female in and when i did they just swam around for awhile then she just stayed in one place. He tried to get her t ocome to the nest but then the both gave up and she didnt care. Why is that?
Bettas CANNOT live together in a permanent situation unless you want to take the risk.
that wasnt my question. When i had them together the point is they just layed there and didnt try to do anything, although my male tried. Should i keep trying the same pair or try and get another male or female because maybe they dont like eachother?
I think you should have realised that you topic sentence is entirly misleading.

Perhaps you should just try again but condition them with foods such as bloodworms or mosquito larvae.

If you have dont that it is up to chance if they want to breed, but most will.
Did the female show vertical bars on her sides?
If she didn't she isn't ready to mate.

Feed her and the male live or frozen food for about 3 weeks if they are usually fed with dry food. The female needs this to produce eggs and both sexes need to biuld their strengths for the mating process. This is nessicary because mating can take a lot from both fish.

@ james

Betta's can live togher if you take certain things into account
-hiding places
-not to much fish together
-good living conditions

I've kept betta's together for years and they are as healthy as the ones that are kept separate.
I had the same problem. The female wasn't into it and the male was ready and getting impatient. I guess fish and humans have alot in common!! :D
annieka said:
I've kept betta's together for years and they are as healthy as the ones that are kept separate.
Thats really interesting. How do you have the tank set up? I'd like to give it a go.

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