how big do betta's get?


Feb 7, 2004
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Taylor. Michigan
well, for the longest time i've been feeding my betta's 5 pellets a day. and extra if they bugged me enough. and they never leave any to share. then i come on here to find out that ppl feed their betta's 3 pellets MAX. could this be why my betta's look kinda large compared to my newest betta? cuz when i compare them together, my 2 older betta's look REALLY husky compared to my newer, and slimer big do they generally get over time??
Yep. They only need 3 max a day. I feed mine only 2 but they steal off the Cories so they're fat. I'm feeding them frozen food now so they'll stop being such little piggies.
Wow :huh: ...I spoil bettas then. 3 pellets a day??? I would be killed in my sleep if I only fed them that much..... :X
freshmike...I'm with you--I must spoil mine too cause there's no way I'd only give my babies 3 pellets a day. Solomon alone would jump out and fin slap me.

Plus I have 6 different kinds of food for them as well to give them some variety and keep their digestive system healthy.
well, i guess it's just all in how the owner feels like feeding them then. :rolleyes:

have you ever read the instructions for betta food? it says to feed them as much as they can eat in a few minutes. if that were the case i'd be feeding mine...hmm..well, i don't think i've fed that much to them in one feeding. :X

is it ok for them to live on blood worms? i've got one picky betta who refuses to eat wardley's betta food. so i feed him nothin but blood worms.
I think it's okay though it's better to vary the diet if possible. Some Betta get "snooty" and refuse anything but live or frozen food once they've tasted it. If only my females were like that, I'd be able to get them on a diet.
man, i feed my betta 5 pellets each time i feed them, so that adds to 2 pellet meals a day and a litlte snack of bloodworms :p i watch and stare they eat all of them though, but all 5 is usually gone in less htan a minute, they're never left sitting around in the bowl..

i must have hungry bettas
so the average is about 2-5 pellets....but no one bothered to answer my other question. lol...u kno...the NAME of the topic??? :X

i wonder if that'd be an health issue, if people actually did follow the directions on the food bottles... :dunno:
I sorta answered it. I know there are some which get bigger, about 6 to 8" at the largest I think.
wow....6-8? mine are still about as short as they were when i got them from the store, but they're husky.

is that a specific breed that grows big?
My betta's are fed with bloodworms, artemia, black and white mosquitolarve, and cyclops. They get a much as they can eat within 5 minutes. Young betta's are fed 6x a day.

There is a breed of betta's that get much bigger than the average "normal" betta, they are called giants.
I feed my betta all he can he in 5 minutes as well. He's average sized though. He eats flakes and betta bites food.

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