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  1. R


    No there fairly easy to care for with a variation in diet like brine shrimp and tetraprima granular food also flake there happy. the temp is at 79f with ammonia and nitrates at 0 and a ph of 7.4 nothing out of the ordinary. Yeah they like the caves in the tank and also swimming into the plants...
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    i have a pair of keyholes in my community tank and there pretty cool my girlfriend think they look like ninjas
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    Problem With Snails - Best Way To Bait Them

    you could put a piece of cucumber in some boiling water for about 30 seconds. Let it cool and put it on the bottom of your tank and turn the lights out. Then hopefully some snails will be on it when you turn the lights back on then just take it out and repeat it untill there gone. Works for me...
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    Rusty's Fry Question

    Thanks guys answered alot of questions how long should i leave the fry in a rearing tank
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    How Often Will Platys Breed

    Hey guys last weekend I noticed some small platy fry hiding behind my filter box (juwel Tank). I wasnt sure how old they were but they are about 1cm long and bright orange with black tails. So off I went to get lots of plants to put around the filter so they could hide. And then on wednesday i...
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    Platy Rearing Tank

    ok thanks for the help just felt i had to take him with the tank i knew he would get to big at some point ill find him a good home thanks again how do i get to the seel and swap part of the site
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    Platy Rearing Tank

    hey all ive just bought a 5g aqua-40 tank for bringing on my platy fry. As i was unprepared for my first batch but can still see 4 in my main tank :) . Back to the point my rearing tank came with a small fan tail goldfish and i didnt have the heart not to take him/her as i didnt know what the...
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    Albino Cory Tankmates

    Thanks guys think i will go for a few more albinos then maybe a few peppered later on my albino seems to think alot of my small plec weird but cool thanks again
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    Cichlid Mix

    thanks that is the size of my tank as for my fish i have 1 albino corydoras 3 mollies 2 platys 1 pleco 4 bloodfin tetras and 1 redtail shark plus my pair of keyholes. The tank is well planted with plenty of hiding spots do you think a pair of golden rams would be ok
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    Cichlid Mix

    Would it be ok to mix a pair of golden rams with my pair of keyhole cichlids and would the affect my other fish i have mollies corydoras platys pleco and a redtail shark og and some blood fin tetras :S
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    Albino Cory Tankmates

    Cool thanks for your help everyone this forum is proving really helpful ill get the hang of this fish keeping lark yet
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    Platy Babies

    Thanks everyone for your help ive got some fry food and some extra plants to heavily plant the corner where they are hiding just to give them a bit more cover but im thinking about a rearing tank for my next batch can anyone help me out with a size for this tank and is it best to leave out any...
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    Albino Cory Tankmates

    i have one albino cory does it need more of his own or could i mix it with maybe peppered corys do corys do well in a tank with no other corys he seems ok
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    How Do I Get My Plattys To Breed

    Hey maybe you need a few more females ive only had my platys for about 4 weeks and ive just found about 5 fry hiding under my filter i didnt do anything to help the breeding just left them to it the temp is at 79 f not sure if temp has an affect on platy breeding but hey just leave them to to it...
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    Hi Everyone

    Ive just started a 35 gallon community tank its about 3 months old now and my platys have just given birth cool huh sure ill be asking you guys for advice in not to long
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    Platy Babies

    Hi my platy has just given birth into my community tank i can see about 6 babies at the minute hiding under my filter box (juwel rio 125) built in filter should i put a breeding net around my box to keep my hungry fish at bay or just leave them to hide and venture out on there own accord also...