

New Member
Jan 21, 2006
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:) hi

im thinking of starting off in cichlids but i dont know whatkind of cichlid
to buy please help

1)im buying a rekord 60 jewel aquariums is it big enough for cichlids

2)im looking for a hardy cichlid not a ram they are not very tough

3) please respond QUICKLY im buying the tank VERY soon!


trew :sly:
60L will only be able to house darwf cichlids like apistols,cockatoo, and keyholes.

Are you just planing to get a new tank, fill it and put fish in it or are you going to cycle or are you going to clone it?
without dampening your interest you need to set up a tank, cycle it so the bacteria in the tank and filter mature-or you will end up with a sewage tank and dead fish.
I would suggest you have a large tank for cichlids as they require a lot of space(55gal or more) and are not the easiest to keep.

ask away and people will help you :D
im aware of cycling ammonia nitrate new tank syvdrome and so on ive had lots of tropicals before

im in the hobby for years :)

iv had one tank for five years!

it has 10 neons 3 dwarf gouramis one plec and there all fine
You could do multies in a 60 ltrs- that's what I'm planning to do with mine, once the present community reach their natural end. Neolamprologus multifasciatus. Hard water, sand, shells for them to hide in.
i have a pair of keyholes in my community tank and there pretty cool my girlfriend think they look like ninjas
:lol: cool

are they hard to care for?
and do they use caves
No there fairly easy to care for with a variation in diet like brine shrimp and tetraprima granular food also flake there happy. the temp is at 79f with ammonia and nitrates at 0 and a ph of 7.4 nothing out of the ordinary. Yeah they like the caves in the tank and also swimming into the plants thinking of maybe adding a pair of golden rams do you think they will get along as im not 100% good luck with your cichlids

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