Albino Cory Tankmates


Fish Fanatic
Feb 12, 2006
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i have one albino cory does it need more of his own or could i mix it with maybe peppered corys do corys do well in a tank with no other corys he seems ok
I have found that corys do like to be in groups, given the choice they like their own species, but the will happily group with other species of cory.
(think, mix&match)
When I think of mix and match, I think of when I buy pants from marks and spencer.

It would be nice if you got a couple of cory friends for him. I always see mine socialise together. Couple of my bandit cories like to do some synchronised swimming. It's cool to watch. B)
Ihad one peppered cory in my tank as I could never catch the wee brute to move him in with the others.
I bought 3 cory melanistus(sp?) a couple of weeks ago and he went crazy when I added them.Followed them around all day.Therefore although I always try and keep at least 3 of the same species together it seems that corys are happy with any other corys.
Cool thanks for your help everyone this forum is proving really helpful ill get the hang of this fish keeping lark yet
I have about 30 cories in my 55 gallon and they all hang out together. Some, like the C. Aeneus, are more social then other cories.
My local shop was doing a deal, 5 corys for £7.
I asked if they would mix them and they said yes.
I got 2 peppered and 3 albino and all 5 are happy together.
It's fun watching the abino following the peppers, they get along great.
All corys get along well together, but to see them at their best, have at least a few of each kind. They will socialize with each other, but usually only play with their own species. :D
Thanks guys think i will go for a few more albinos then maybe a few peppered later on my albino seems to think alot of my small plec weird but cool thanks again

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