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  1. P

    lost 2fish!

    sorry for the delay PH 7.0 nitrate 2.5 Ammonia .25 NitrIte 0
  2. P

    lost 2fish!

    they all seem to be at the top of rthe tank and kinda swimming at an angle (or is that me) no other fish are showing signs of fungus and I am doing some water changes
  3. P

    lost 2fish!

    Hey guys! been away for one night and come back to find one missing, a tetra, thought i should clean the gunk outta my fliter (fluval 1+) and found hime well and truely dead inside the filter! How the hell did he get in there? One of the guppies i got last week is also dead, it seems to...
  4. P


    well she WAS pregnant I only have three fry so I am guessing some of my other fishes ate them! I have them in a small plastic tank floating in the main tank and I am crushing some food up now!
  5. P


    her scales are finme she sames pretty lively I ahve ahd her for 50 mins other fish in the tank are lsited below gravid spot? you mean dark spot on her lower back looks like dark blood? then yes the fliter is a sponge on, I have recently cleaned it out
  6. P

    Green water!

    I have had this as well how much water change I ahve just done a 20%
  7. P


    Hi guys just got home with some new fishes - 3 guppies and one ot the females looks fat, real fat, I mean like shes been to macdonalds or something! If she is preggy I have a lot of little areas the fry can hide in but what about the fliter? Its a fuval 1+ will the fry get stuck in it? cheers!
  8. P

    new corys

    they seem to be exploring more today
  9. P

    ill cory

    the cory that has the red spot on his nose is much more lively today so I think I will treat them with meds. I have some Interpet number 8 - Anti fungus and finrot, "cures fish of fungus, mouthrot, and finrot. I teake it he he mouth rot of some sort? changing the temp to 24degress now, now...
  10. P

    ill cory

    just got today 3 corys all seemed fine just came in now and one has a VERY red spot on his/her nose. it seems okay eating al playing feelers are still there is this a fis thats gunna die or has it got got hurt when it was picked put at the fish shop. it seems active enough and "playing" with...
  11. P

    feeding my neons

    couldnt find this anywhere but the flake food i have for my neons should i crush it up or leave as it is?
  12. P

    new corys

    I have just got back from the fish shop about four hours ago with 3 Pepperd corys. and some tetras. I have noticed however the corys are all staying together and the smallest of the three seems to lead the others out and if anyone goes enar to the tank they damn near fall over each other to go...
  13. P

    scum on water

    no nothing has been added tot he tank at all
  14. P

    buying new fish

    I know to look for active fish and ones that arent labouring around the tank. what do I look for in the likes of corys? what i want: blue neon tetras corys they are to go into a 8-9 gal tank. what quantities should i get i was thinking 10 neon 3 corys or is that too many for the tank...
  15. P

    Very high nitrate

    hi guys an update: PH 7.0 Ammonia 0 NitrAte 0 NitrIte 0 I have ahd a layer of what I can only call scum on the surface when I came in from work tonight that wasnt there went I left. dunn what that was but removed it with the net. can i put fish in now?
  16. P

    scum on water

    Since going to work this morning I have ahd a scum on the top of the water, i have removed it best I can but it seemed quite thick anyone know what it is? the tank has no fish in it yet, just going to do a water check
  17. P

    my budgie died

    nah i wont be getting another one cause he was like the family dog he cannot be replaced he had such a personality plus he was a guard budgie, anyone went within a few feet he tried to eat them
  18. P

    my budgie died

    well it was gunna happen the little huy was 16 yes 16 years old. never shut up, very agressive, to fat to fly but you could have small chats with him, and monday - friday he screamed in the morning to wake everyone up. oh well rest in peaces bird
  19. P


    i cant hand pick em out cause they are tiny and onl come out at night
  20. P


    cool i will leave them then
  21. P

    Snails in the tank!!

    col I have just set up a tank and found about 4-6 snail in there, they seem to be growing quite quickly though (the tank is about two weeks old now) so wot u guys are saying is to just leave them? and her they hell do they go in the day time?
  22. P


    yeah I have live plants, so what do I do? I i leave them or get rid of them?
  23. P


    hello guys as some of you know I have been setting up a tank via fishless cycling. the problem is some sneaky ******** have gotten into the tank - snails theres on about 5mm and the rest are sooooooo small you really have to look, now do I remvoed them or what? and were the ********* did they...
  24. P

    Very high nitrate

    hello an update: PH 7.2 Ammnia 0.25 NirAte 40 NitrIte 2.0
  25. P

    Very high nitrate

    the tanks been setup for only a week and has no fish in it at all. I am thinking of neons and corys
  26. P

    Very high nitrate

    okay will do that now then
  27. P

    Very high nitrate

    how much of a water change do I need to do
  28. P

    Very high nitrate

    Hiya, Need some help guys. Tank is been running without fish for a week now. I have done my second test and the nitrate level has gone up to 160. please help sorry remainign levels ph 7.4 ammonia 0.25 nitrate 160 nitrite 5.0
  29. P

    feed trops

    I have just been (again) to world of water. They seem to be feeding the blue neon tetras some kind of food that sinks and they are all over it like mad. It looks like a smell grey pellet which the corys wont go near (they had some cucumber i think ofer the other side of the tank. Any ideas...
  30. P

    converted tank water in but now what?

    right i posted the levels on the 6th when should i next check them seeing as I have now added some plant life and done a 10% water change
  31. P


    pharana thing
  32. P

    its not fair !

    have an accident with the other tank....
  33. P

    Parrot fish breeding

    ask them to say "hello" and whichever has the male voice! sorry but i thought that was funny but I think this might help (found it on another web site:) Sexing As with some other species, it's difficult to tell the difference between males and the females unless they are about to spawn...
  34. P


    I only have a 35l 8g tank so i am limited and I have very very fine gravelm in the tank
  35. P

    World of Water - UK

    wen ui went in the tropical room was slightly darker but al the tanks were well lit, I think it has had a recent makeover as a photo of the centre from 1999 shows no world or water, and wen i asked apparently most of them are under franchase ownership now so that improves things
  36. P

    1 fish

    cheers thats great!
  37. P

    World of Water - UK

    I have just visited agan and asked them questions as to the questions i have asked here, and they gave the same answers. All the fish still seem to be happy and I have made my choices as to the fish i want
  38. P

    1 fish

    dont understand!!!
  39. P


    I was gunna have three of them
  40. P

    1 fish

    so wot do i do then?