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  1. J

    Can someone post a pic

    Thanks all for the help did the switch last night looks fantastic. Took a while to clean it but looks great , just a slight bit cloudy. Seems as though the fish like it. Plec has all 4 corners dug up though (he likes to get down to the glass i guess). no casulties. One problem i did have was...
  2. J

    100's of lil white things

    well im switching to sand and in the myst of it while stiring up and takin up the gravel i noticed a whole bunch of these lil tiny white things(alive insects or somethin) any idea what they are ? and what should i do? i want to fix this before i add the sand please hurry lol thanks
  3. J

    Can someone post a pic

    well i was hoping i could see a picture of one but oh well i think i might get it anyways. What is the white colored sand called it looks nice?
  4. J

    Can someone post a pic

    I am thinking of going with playground sand but am not sure what it looks like in a tank. Can some one post some pics of it. Also any other kind of sand with the name of it would be good as i am open to other types .thanks
  5. J

    Changing to sand

    anybody with some pictures. That would be great (im trying to sell the idea of sand to my wife) :whistle:
  6. J

    Changing to sand

    Are there any negatives with sand. Just so i dont get any surprizes. Also what kind of sand to get, i want to do it cheap but want a nice look. i hear pool filter sand is good. what are some other kinds i can find around here relativly cheap? thanks so far guys
  7. J

    Changing to sand

    Is there any fish that cant have a sand substrate? Does the sand not get in the filters(i have aquaclears)? Just wondering as i am thinking of switching. Anything else i should know?
  8. J

    How do the fluvals work

    yup thx just wanted a basic knowledge of how it worked
  9. J

    How do the fluvals work

    Just wondering how the fluval 404 system works? My brother is setting up an aquarium and neither of us know much about them. Are they an under gravel system or how do they work ? Im use to the aqua clears and have no idea how the canisters work . Just doin a bit of research for him
  10. J

    Got me a Monster!

    Just my 2 cents after you get it in the living room would it be possible to mount it in one of those brick walls. That would look spectacular !!!!! :cool:
  11. J

    Best plant ?

    Im looking for something that grows fast and is kinda bushy(full). What are some good common plants, also that are hardy and tough, i have a 135 gallon tank with a 48inch shop light with aqua-glo bulbs 40 watts each.
  12. J

    seals on a 65gallon tank

    i am putting a 65 gallon away for a couple months but im worried the seals will dry out. i dont want to keep it full of water but dont want a disaster when it gets back up and running as it might be a salt water tank(and that would get pricey). I thought about vasoline around the silcone but am...
  13. J

    Starting a new salt water tank

    Just wanted to know the quickest and best way of cycling a tank. And what options for cycling do i have? Any web pages for startup of salt water would be helpful too. thanks all
  14. J

    Sad but good ending

    bout 6 months :(
  15. J

    Sad but good ending

    Well i changed over to a bigger tank 65 to a 135 Gallon over the week end , so when i had my 65 going i was a bit overstocked so i wanted to make up for it in the filtration so i purchased the UGF and powerheads not wanting to empty the tank i figured i could just push all the gravel to 1 side...
  16. J

    How to treat Cloudy eye?

    Well this weekend i changed over from 65 gallon tank to a 135 gallon in the process one of my big tin foil barbs jumped out of tank and when i came back he was on the floor i put him back in and after 10 mins he appeared fine .......well today i noticed him in the new tank and his fins look a...
  17. J


    I am using the standard "cool White" bulb should i purchase an aquarium bulb and if so what is the best one to purchase for the nicest lighting ?
  18. J


    i have a 135 Gallon tank and i am wondering if my lighting is too bright for them. i have 2 48 inch 40w florecent bulbs. Is this to bright?Should i look at smaller watt bulbs?
  19. J

    What is safe to put my fish in

    wow i knew you guys would think of somethin :D i have 5 or six of those bins that i would have never thought of. think they would be ok in there for bout 5 hours?(shouldnt take any longer)
  20. J

    What is safe to put my fish in

    I am gettin a 135g tank saturday so i have to empty out the other 0ne (65g). My probem is that the 65 is built in the wall so i have to modify the wall and support stand to fit the 135, but the 65 is to heavy to leave any water in it so i have to completly empty it and I am not sure what to do...
  21. J

    Emporer or aqua clear

    Just wondering what you guys prefer as i wll be setting up a new tank soon and would like to know which one is better and why?
  22. J


    Well maybe i have to wait. they were at walmart (i know i know ) bout 4-6 inches for 6 bucks but when i went back to get them 2 of them had like coton on them (fungus) and the girl that worked there ripped one of there fins off cause it got stuck in the net. Then she told me all of pictus have...
  23. J


    65 gallon till next week going to a 135 G :D
  24. J


    I am looking at purchasing a couple of pictus catfish and would like to know if they get along good with my other fish( tin barbs gouramis red tail shark and ID sharks) Also should i get 1 or 2 or more (does this fish like to be with others of its kind)
  25. J

    I guess this would be about cycling.(gonna be long

    What about the under gravel filter a good idea or no?
  26. J

    I guess this would be about cycling.(gonna be long

    Ok heres what i am wanting to do. I am buying a 125 gallon tank. i have a 65 now which is built in the wall so what i will be doin is draining the water out and fish of coarse putting them in a holding tank taking out the 65, cutting out more space in the wall ,some framing for the new tank...
  27. J

    What is the difference in?

    wow thanks cheese and sylvia as well. Thanks for dumbing it up for me cheese :S
  28. J

    What is the difference in?

    Thanks for the reply Dragon scales. So I should really go out today and get a Nitrate test kit. I am becoming a fish junkie 3 tanks set up now ( 65 G .12 G and a 3G) My wife looks like she is gonna kill me when i start looking at the other aquqriums in the LFS :D
  29. J

    What is the difference in?

    i have test kits for nitrite but not nitrates. Can someone tell me what nitrates are and what they do?
  30. J

    Can cloudy water be the outcome of overstocking?

    The tank has been up for a couple years the only thing i have added was driftwood about 2 months ago. I am going to take out the drift for a couple weeks and see if that helps. Any other suggestions ?
  31. J

    Can cloudy water be the outcome of overstocking?

    once a day. And it is always gone within 2 minutes i even tried feeding every other day for a while. I am puzzled :sly:
  32. J

    Can cloudy water be the outcome of overstocking?

    I dont thik i am over stocked but i cant think of why my tank has been cloudy so much over the last month and a half i keep doin water changes but after a day or 2 its back to cloudy (not real bad but enough to notice) . In the tank i have some driftwood, could it be that ? would turnin the temp...
  33. J

    When do Guppy fry start to show color?

    i have 5 fry that are about 3 weeks old when will they start getting color? Also all 5 look like females could that be or do they all look like that till a certain age (im making my asumption on the shape of there tales )
  34. J


    My guppy had 2 then after about 7 day i found there was 5 in there. Not sure if they were just hiding and I couldnt see them or what. They are 2-3 weeks old now and can be seen most of the time just waiting for them to get some color (not sure how long that takes?
  35. J


    What if you dont have live plants? I keep my light on for 14 hours a day is this too much? its on a timer (65 gallon 40watt florecent bulb)i keep it on for this amount because it is kinda the main attraction in my basement, its built in the wall and lookks kinda dull if the lights are not on. Am...
  36. J

    Betta Tails, will they grow back?

    What is Melafix?
  37. J

    Betta Tails, will they grow back?

    I had my betta in my 65 gallon tank where i thought he had room to get away from anything that was gonna bother him instead he just hid in the corner of the tank and let one of my other fish bite his tail off. I put him back in a 3 gallon tank by himself. I am wondering if his tail fins will...
  38. J

    Columbian Shark

    well nothin visable, but he is staying near the top now. Doesn't look good :(
  39. J

    Columbian Shark

    I have a Columbian shark which is very small yet he seems to have lost most of his spunk, the only time he swims around he is doing a spin in the water. Ive only had him a week and the other one i got died already what could be wrong with him.(water test are fine) Maybe i should try putting him...
  40. J

    WIll adding Salt to the water make it cloudy?

    I've been trying to find out why my tank is a bit cloudy and the only thing i can think of is i added some salt to it. Will this do it? And what can i do to correct it if it is ?