Can cloudy water be the outcome of overstocking?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 17, 2004
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Kingston Ontario Canada
I dont thik i am over stocked but i cant think of why my tank has been cloudy so much over the last month and a half i keep doin water changes but after a day or 2 its back to cloudy (not real bad but enough to notice) . In the tank i have some driftwood, could it be that ? would turnin the temp down and keepin the light off work ? (currently temp 76) Please help what to do very very frustrating.

ps filtration is 2 aqua clear 300 and to powerheads with under gravel filter (65 gallon tank)
How long has your tank been set up? How long have fish been in it? Have you done any major maintenance routines lately?
The tank has been up for a couple years the only thing i have added was driftwood about 2 months ago. I am going to take out the drift for a couple weeks and see if that helps. Any other suggestions ?
If it is a bacterial bloom I always find that turning off the lights and not feeding the fish for 2-3 days and the water will become crystal clear.

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