What is safe to put my fish in


Fish Fanatic
Jul 17, 2004
Reaction score
Kingston Ontario Canada
I am gettin a 135g tank saturday so i have to empty out the other 0ne (65g). My probem is that the 65 is built in the wall so i have to modify the wall and support stand to fit the 135, but the 65 is to heavy to leave any water in it so i have to completly empty it and I am not sure what to do with the fish for the few hours i renovate. Would they be ok in buckets or anything else around the house.
Do you have any of them storage play bins for kids as you could fill some of them up with tank water, as you need to save some for the new tank, try and save as much tank water as possible.
How long do you need to modify the wall?

if it's only an hour or two, they will be fine in buckets

if ti's 5-6 hours or more, they will need heating unless your tank temp is the same as your room temperature.

When you remove the 65 gallon, you could just put water in it and leave it running on the floor maybe? Just plug in the filter. That way you will ensure your filter remains active and the bacteria culture will be good so your new tnk will be cycled. your fish will be good too...
I hear that the very large plastic storage containers (~40g or so?) work fairly well. Just drain some of your tankwater into one, move the filter to it, and move the fish. It's obviously temporary, but that's the cheapest and easiest large fish-safe container I can think of...
just make sure you at least put in the heater so your fish won't get too stressed...
wow i knew you guys would think of somethin :D i have 5 or six of those bins that i would have never thought of. think they would be ok in there for bout 5 hours?(shouldnt take any longer)
As long as you can try and keep the room temp to the fish tank temp, should be fine, keep filter running in a bucket of tank water or one of those storage bins.
the most important aspect is the temperature

and letting your filter run in one of those bins will give your bacteria a chance to survive

just wash them before hand with warm water, add a bit of aquarium salt if possible but no detergent
In your situation, I'd take the fish out and put them in one of the containers, then strip the tank out and set it back up somewhere else.

I know how these things can go different to plan and the last thing you want after x hours of hard work is to then have a mad panic to try and set the tank up somewhere as its not ready to go back in the wall.

Also as mentioned - the filter should be kept running to keep the bacteria alive.

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