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  1. M

    I Have Eggs

    my blue rams have laid eggs in my coumminty tank do u think the eggs will have a better chance if i turn the lights of my tank off?
  2. M

    New Tank, New Fish

    Just thought id et you all know ive got the tank its 20gallons is that ok
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    New Tank, New Fish

    do u think the tank would be to small for malawis
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    New Tank, New Fish

    im not getting the tank till tonite so as yet it doesn't have any water in or any sort of set up, so im trying to find out the perfect set up for a tank for cichlids but i know my water is hard, and if its anything like my pther tank it will have a ph of about 8ish
  5. M

    New Tank, New Fish

    im getting a new tank it 2.5 ft i wANT TO Put cichlids in it but not sure pf type, they need to be small and i would like to breed them, the water around my area is hard and ive heard that can be a problem??
  6. M

    Crushed Shell

    black gravel, with the odd bit of normal
  7. M

    What Is This Fish?

    let us know when you know for sure
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    Crushed Shell

  9. M

    Crushed Shell

    I was think of using crushed shell as a base to my fish tank for cichlids just wondered wot peoples opion was
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    New Tank

    sorry i like to get as much info as i can its also on other sites aswell :P
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    New Tank

    nothing to hard to look after, but still a bit of a challange
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    New Tank

    im getting a new tank which i want to set up for ciclids, im not sure on the size of the tank at the moment but was would be the best way to set it up, i was thinking of using sand instead of gravel but thats as far as ive got any ideas anyone?
  13. M

    New Tank

    im getting a new tank which i want to set up for ciclids, im not sure on the size of the tank at the moment but was would be the best way to set it up, i was thinking of using sand instead of gravel but thats as far as ive got any ideas anyone?
  14. M

    New Tank

    im getting a new tank which i want to set up for ciclids, im not sure on the size of the tank at the moment but was would be the best way to set it up, i was thinking of using sand instead of gravel but thats as far as ive got and wot type of ciclids any ideas anyone?
  15. M

    Ram Question

    my female rams belly seams to of changed colour its getting very red/pink is this normal or am i doing somthing wrong im feeding them on flakes and blood worm
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    Water Softener?

    can anybody tell me how to find out how soft my water is and how do i soften it I want to breed my rams and ive been told they need soft water
  17. M

    Anyone From Herts In The Uk

    stevenage mainly just a good fish supplyer, for everything else i go to the garden centre or pets@home but i wouldnt by fish from eiher of them
  18. M

    Ph Question

    the ph on my tank is about 6.8 - 7.0 is this ok for what i have in it, it is a 30gal tank in it it has 1 red tail shark 1 cory 1 chinese alga eater 4 neons 3 rummy noes 1 xray fish 1 male ram 1 female ram planted and dec - 1 barrel 1 prymid 1 castle 3 rocks, heavly planted corner, odd...
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    Pets At Home

    stevenage and letchworth are realy bad ive seen cloudy tanks and fish floating upside dead, when i spoke to someone he told me he was resting, i wrote and complain to head office and they told me i didnt know hwat i was talking about and that the staff in the store were all very well trained! I...
  20. M

    Anyone From Herts In The Uk

    i need a good pet store in hertfordshire uk can anyone help :)
  21. M

    Tips Please

    just want any advice or tips on breeding my german blue ram not done it b4 but cant wait to c whats going to happen water temp, type of food, how to tell when shes going to lay here eggs that sort of thing thanks
  22. M

    Now I Know Ive Got A Male And Female

    just want some tips on how to breed my rams :wub:
  23. M

    Heres Sammy

    i would like u all to me sammy the doppyest dog in the world the rest or the pics are my fish and kids
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    any tips on breeding
  25. M


    thanks so much for that, so what the best thing to do with them now i realy want to try and breed with them but up to now ive only been breeding with soardtails , guppies, mollys and platties im after as much advice as poss
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    link maY not work try this one
  27. M


    if link doesnt work try this
  28. M

    Guppies V's Cichlids

    [ cheers ive now got 2 german blue rams i think but dont know what sexs they are i did ask for a male and a female but the bloke didnt kow what he was doing!!!! ive got pics any tips would be great the link may not work try this...
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    try this one it was working all day yesterday
  30. M

    Guppies V's Cichlids

    cheers ive now got 2 german blue rams i think but dont know what sexs they are i did ask for a male and a female but the bloke didnt kow what he was doing!!!! ive got pics any tips would be great
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    i think ive got 2 german blue rams but i dont kow what sex they are im hoping male and female can any one help ive got pics
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    can anyone tell me anything about these i think they are german blue rams and are mwnt to be male and female
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    ive just got these and i think that they are both male,but the pet shop assures me that they are male or female please help and any tips on keeping them heres the pics
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    Help Im Board

    the babys and the ones that im baby sitting will be gone by the end of the weekend and also the black widow will be going as well (not that i mind i realy dont like them) my parents have alot of them and have agreed to take this one so that will leave me rather empty also my red tail shark and...
  35. M

    Help Im Board

    just want some advice on my tank it contains 1black tail shark 1 alge eater 1 black widow tetra 1 catfish babysitting the following while owner sets up new tank 3 neons and 3 rummy noes 3 harqlines 1 soard tail, 4 baby guppies they are leaving at the end of the month i want to add new...
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    Guppies V's Cichlids

    im guessing thats a no to a big oscar im sure they get very big :no:
  37. M

    What Shall I Do Now

    what about a betta would that work
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    Guppies V's Cichlids

    Kribensis was what i was told to get but i realy wanted to get more opions from other people i dont want to jump in feet first without knowing what will happen
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    Guppies V's Cichlids

    just wondered if you could put guppies with cichlids or would the cichlids kill the guppies as i know they are not comunity fish
  40. M

    What Shall I Do Now

    So what do i put with them ive got kids so its got to be nice not ugly, but i did enjoy breeding them so i dont know about that, but i dont want guppies, patties,mollys, i may put more neons in but not sure :-(