What Shall I Do Now

So what do i put with them ive got kids so its got to be nice not ugly, but i did enjoy breeding them so i dont know about that, but i dont want guppies, patties,mollys, i may put more neons in but not sure

gouramis? they are nice fish, or barbs of some sort I think someone else suggested that too. Odessa barbs are nice and easy to keep, they are harder to find though.

or you could get some hatchet fish they look cool
How about a pair of kribensis?

If you would like to breed, these guys will just about breed in a toilet.

They are also tough enough to lvie with your other fish, in my opinion.

You would just need to make sure there were plenty of caves around for all fish.

And I would suggest a nice school of fish.... pencilfish are nice little fish, and should be quick enough to avoid aggression (if any) from the other fish.

Although, I do not have experience with CAE, so not sure if the kribs would bo ok with them... I would imagine so, but wait for someone to either agree or disagree with me :)
I have a CAE in with my Kribs, but the Krib (1 in particular) goes for it, and the CAE scarpers.

But its not viscious its just like "get outa my way man or I'll bite your A*s" :D
depends on other tank mates it might get nipped fins and then it will just hide away all the time.

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