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Fish Crazy
Aug 31, 2005
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just want some advice on my tank it contains

1black tail shark
1 alge eater
1 black widow tetra
1 catfish

babysitting the following while owner sets up new tank

3 neons and 3 rummy noes
3 harqlines

1 soard tail, 4 baby guppies they are leaving at the end of the month

i want to add new fishs

its about 40 galls

not had any problems with the tank set up just what to put in it

What type catfish, and what type of algae eater are they?

As suggested, some more black widows would be a good idea.

I would suggest holding off on getting anything else until the fostered fish are in their proper home
A bit to agressive in my mind. Google the fish you have and look at their demands. When you get em sorted out, then look for others.

EDIT: PS: It's bored not board (maybe it was just a typo).
the babys and the ones that im baby sitting will be gone by the end of the weekend and also the black widow will be going as well (not that i mind i realy dont like them) my parents have alot of them and have agreed to take this one so that will leave me rather empty

also my red tail shark and me alge eater get on fine and lay together in the barrel all the time with no probs
What kind is the catfish? CAE and shark wont be peacefull for long they will soon begin atacking eachother until one or both will die, than the surviver will atack the catfish.

EDIT: Spelling
Ok from what I saw your black tail shark is a red tail black shark, seem to be happy in a little barrel cave thing, this is good as it helps stop them getting overley aggressive, but probably good to steer away from any more sharks- ok furtherinto the shots its a rainbow shark, not a red tail same basic rules but some find them a little less aggressive/territorial

the catfish is some form of corydorus, similar to the panda or metea in colouring

I dont think they are neons, but actually cardinals (full red stripe compared to half body red stripe)

the yellow fish, is definetly some type of alge eater, some are better than others, I have no real experience so i'll let others comment on it

basically the you have a large range of fish you could choose from going into a 40 gallon community. I recommend going through the fish index here or checking out othersites to find some fish you are interested in then seeing or asking if your desired fish are fine then buying your selected stock - better to do this a few fish (or a school of tetras for example) every couple weeks so you dont cause a mini cycle

that my 2cents :)

I would think that the CAE and RTBS would get along in the tank ok... I could be wrong, but it seems there is enough space for the two to be able to have their own space.

As suggested before, absolutely no more shark-like fish though.

Were you hoping for some kind of schooling fish?

Are you looking for somethign larger which will stand out? Opaline gouramis might be an option. ..

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