New Tank


Fish Crazy
Aug 31, 2005
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im getting a new tank which i want to set up for ciclids, im not sure on the size of the tank at the moment but was would be the best way to set it up,

i was thinking of using sand instead of gravel but thats as far as ive got

any ideas anyone?
Well to make life easy for yourself, I'd say if you have hard alkaline water go with africans, if you have soft acidic water go for new world. The tank size is important though, the generally accepted smallest tank for a typical african cichlid community is a 30G long as tank length is very important.

I seem to remember that you have hard water (we have the same surname so I always look at your posts :p) so I'd go down the african route. If I was setting up the tank, I'd probably go for shell dwellers, but generally you need a sand substrate and rock decor (plants will get dug up / destroyed) and for the shell dwellers, plenty of shells for them to live in.
Well aswell as the graval you would need a tank. IMO not much smaller than 55G if you want to have a nice varity of cichlids and when choosing a tank go for the lenght as the most improtant aspect of the tank. A good filter probably an external one like a fluval 305 (im no good with Ehiem models). A heater. Alot of rock for the fish to hide in and swim around. Then you can worry about fish.
Have a look and see what you like. Then we can advise you properly.
But i may have just typed all of that for no reason if you turn round and say you want a pair of kribs. laugh.gif

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