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  1. drag

    Fish Picture Post

    ok tnx
  2. drag

    Spawning Fish

    well go get all the info you need on breeding clowns ... i suggest you get the what i call " clownfish bible" the title of the book is CLOWNFISHES by Joyce D. Wilkerson. its got everything ive everwanted to know about them. and more. A must have for clownfish owners IMO
  3. drag

    Fish Picture Post

    ok i know this has probably been asked liked a 100 times ... im trying to put a pic in my post .. how do i go about it? i want to post my clown
  4. drag

    Kent Marine Products

    i was wondering if all kent marine products are safe for fish???? maybe a stupid question but i bought this Coral-Vite and it dont say it is safe for fish. just want to make sure.
  5. drag

    Hermits Changing Shells...

    yeah cool aint it. i saw one of my hermits change shells to day and saw that it had brown eggs on its belly... dont know if they will survive . but cool any way
  6. drag

    What The Heck?

    the cbs are sold as reef safe but i have one now for over a year and you have to keep it well fed or it will try to pinch my fish. ( really only attempsts to pinch never actually does) i have 2 clowns. mine feeds out of my hand. oh and the cbs has killed about 6 peppermint shrimp in my tank.
  7. drag

    Ordering Fish Online

    i ordered from i ordered snails, clownfish, anemones, hermits, and fether dusters. all arived in good condition. the clowns ( ocellaris) were great, they ate right after acclimation. in my experience w/ saltwaterfish .com i was extreamly satisfied..... but there only downfall...
  8. drag

    Coral Banded Shrimp

    well my CBS has a belly full of green eggs. and it is the only CBS im my tank the only other shrimp is a peppermint shrimp that knows to stay as far away as possible. so how do CBS reproduce? after all this one has been im my tank 4 about 8 months now. and is just now got eggs. i know you...
  9. drag

    Hitchhiker Question

    there on the bottoms of rocks. they crawl not swim. not looking for a positive id just to know there not a threat to anything or hell maybe there good?
  10. drag

    Hitchhiker Question

    heres the deal, i find these little guys under my rock. any time i turn over a rock that has its bottom on the aragonite. these little cridders scatter around ther about 1/8" to 3/8"of an inch. there white and kind of resemble small worms. i had these guys forever just wanted to know what they...
  11. drag

    Ocellaris Clown W/ Anemone

    i had one tha only hosted it at night, during the day you wouldn't know it. after lights out it would rest on top of it... kind cool, too bad it was only at night.
  12. drag


    nevermind i answered my own question..... YES true perc and false perc can mate and produce fertile offspring. out of JOYCE D. WILKERSON's book "CLOWNFISHES" a must have for clown owners.
  13. drag


    Can true and false clowns mate? :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:
  14. drag

    Any Body Used Melafix?

    yeah the new fish is slightly bigger, but it is the aggresive one. tha store sold it to me as tank raised but i think it is wild because i wouldent eat any thing , pellet , flake, frozen brine, dried brine, live brine, or dried plankton.
  15. drag

    Any Body Used Melafix?

    well here is the deal i have a 30 gal tank w/ LR and inverts such as blue legs, narssisus snails, cerith snails astrea snails, and 2 turbo snails. and some yellow polyps. i had one clownfish for about 2 months and decided he was lonely so i got a clother clownfish . well they were getting along...
  16. drag

    Water Changes

    just wanted to start a poll
  17. drag

    Testing A Ballast

    correct, like i said it test to see if voltage is present. ballast without output voltage is a bad ballast . but like i said thats if you want something to go by. that is only one sighn of a bad ballast. may or may not be the case.... probability is, it is not. but ist the only way you can...
  18. drag

    Tank Loads

  19. drag


    as an electrician in my experiences of trouble shooting ballasts and lamps, is in the "majority "of cases the lamps go much before the ballasts do. IMO the manufacturers do this on purpose to force you to buy more lamps.they make them to last for so long, constant switching them makes there...
  20. drag

    Ammonia Chips

    yeah maybe i should have clarified. i dont have an ammo prblem. just a general question if saltwater ammo chips exist?
  21. drag

    Testing A Ballast

    i have alot of experiance in the electrical field, so i can tell you ballasts are very delicate. i would not put any resistors or any thing across the sockets. you could burn it up(it dont take much). and there not so cheap to be burning like that. the only sure way to check it is with...
  22. drag

    Tank Loads

    is there some kind of general rule for how many fish per gallon or something as for the bio load.
  23. drag

    Ammonia Chips

    just a stupid question .. do those ammonia chips work in saltwater also? :S they always say for freshwater. yet the guy at petco try to sell me some for my marine tank( he might not have known better). the box said for freshwater. do they make ammo chips for saltwater??? :thumbs:
  24. drag

    Bio Wheel.....

    i had been runing my marineland penguin 280 powerfilter (with bio-wheel) for about 8 or 9 months when it was a fish only tank. wich is ok because i had no live rock , corals, or inverts. the bio wheel is made for fish only tanks where it has no live rock to nitrify the ammonia (very toxic) of...
  25. drag

    Peppermint Shrimp Had Babies In My Tank

    too late there all dead :unsure: :-( :-( :thumbs:
  26. drag

    Peppermint Shrimp Had Babies In My Tank

    last night i noticed a peppermint shrimp that had a green belly w/ small eggs turn kinda brown to clear. ( over a corse of like a whole day) well as soon as night fell is started releasing thousands of shrimps .it was very cool. well i want too see if i can raise some. so i isolated them in an...
  27. drag

    New Reef Janitors

    yeah i like astrea snails two. i had like 2 but they turned over and died. ( i couldent get to it to turn it back around in time). i hear they cant turn back around if they fall on there backs.
  28. drag

    Type Of Sand

    yeah but 40 bucks in NY is less than 40 bucks in TX :(
  29. drag

    New Reef Janitors

    i have a 30 gal tank and i have a couple of blue leg hermits, narssisus snails, cerith snails, and scarlett hermits. want to get some more good grazing snails to get rid of some alge on the LR. any suggestions?
  30. drag

    Community Clowns

    TNX well noted
  31. drag

    Community Clowns

    ok heres the deal . i have one false perc clown. i would like some advise on clowns that can be in same tank. i know some are aggressive to other clowns. i have a 30 gal w only one clown in it . other mates incluce reef janitors and shrimps. 1 CBS, 4 Peppermint. i love clowns :nod: :thumbs:
  32. drag

    Marine Salt

    the way i do it is in a saparate mixing bucket with a heater. mix it till you get the specific gravity you want, if you over did it on salt add more water or vice vera, once it is right slowly introduce into the main tank.
  33. drag

    Type Of Sand

    yeah i ended up buying some caribSea aragonite at a LFS. went to home depot but where ever i heard that was a joke. all they have is playsand and all purpose sand( for building purposes). it was 40 bucks for a 40 # bag. :crazy:
  34. drag


    cool mine will only go near my bubble at night to sleep.
  35. drag


    i would siphon as much out as i could, also cheak you nitrate levels. high nitrates increase nusance alge growth. like already mentioned need more info :thumbs:
  36. drag

    Clean Up Crews

    i had this type of question a couple of weeks ago becasuse i have more than the 1 to one gallon rule. but seems like if you have at a minimum of 1 per gallon your on the right track. :nod:
  37. drag

    Type Of Sand

    i started out my 30 gal tank w/ ocean white sand. now thinking of changing it for several reasons .. like it will sometimes get mixed with the water because of powereheads. i hear aragonite is good..i would like 2 get some opinois of sand and where to get it. (heard you could get it like a t...
  38. drag

    Clownfish Sleeping Habit

    my clowns will some times sleep near the top of the tank on its side above a bubble anemone. only goes near it to sleep.
  39. drag

    Home Made Lighting

    i made my own hood out of wood. the ballast and sockets you can find at a good saltwater fish store if you dont have one ill give you some liks too see. now if you plan to stain and varnish it. thats where the hard part is you have to use all NON- TOXIC products. i had hell finding these, in...
  40. drag

    Reef Janitors

    thanks every one for the help.... afteri stabalize my ammonia the bio wheel is gone.. :nod: