Ammonia Chips


Fish Crazy
Nov 30, 2005
Reaction score
houston TX
just a stupid question .. do those ammonia chips work in saltwater also? :S

they always say for freshwater. yet the guy at petco try to sell me some for my marine tank( he might not have known better). the box said for freshwater.

do they make ammo chips for saltwater??? :thumbs:
Dunno, but I wouldnt use ammonia reducing chemicals in salt water, I'd eliminate the source of the ammonia instead
dont use unless its made for SW

Liverock does the job faster
freshwater ammo-chips can be recharged in a salt water solution, so they would be useless :p
If you have Ammonia in your saltwater tank you're either just starting cycling the tank and therefore need it to feed the cycle or you have a serious problem.

Either way eliminate the source rather than removing the end product (unless starting your cycle).
yeah maybe i should have clarified. i dont have an ammo prblem. just a general question if saltwater ammo chips exist?
dont think so, from what i understand they make the ammonia cling on to the zeolite, and the salt water reverses the process. tho i aint been looking at the marine section for long. i am a man of freshwater getting salty :p you could say i am a scat.. starting off freshwater, them moving into salt :p
Saltwater aquarists are more concerned with treating the cause of problems rather than looking for a fast cure :lol:

(Have that Freshies :p)
"Cycle" works with both fresh and saltwater. And yes I have used it in my saltwater tank, but only to help get it cycled and to help when adding fish. On an established saltwater tank, their is so much filtration (as far as ammonia is concerned) that you will usually not even detect an ammonia spike.
Cannot remember, but you can check I am sure the have it. But if I were ou try to not look for a quick fix.

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