Type Of Sand


Fish Crazy
Nov 30, 2005
Reaction score
houston TX
i started out my 30 gal tank w/ ocean white sand. now thinking of changing it for several reasons .. like it will sometimes get mixed with the water because of powereheads.

i hear aragonite is good..i would like 2 get some opinois of sand and where to get it.

(heard you could get it like a t home depot)??
yeah, aragonite is what you want. to be honest, I'm not sure of where to get it outside of my LFS. you might be able to find it online, but beware shipping costs, it might be cheaper to buy it locally in the end. dunno if home depot has it
yeah i ended up buying some caribSea aragonite at a LFS. went to home depot but where ever i heard that was a joke. all they have is playsand and all purpose sand( for building purposes).

it was 40 bucks for a 40 # bag. :crazy:
heh, amen to that. the cheapest i've ever seen it at a store is $33 (just found a new high-volume shop today actually). I've since found that you can order it from a bunch of different online stores at an end result (after shipping) of usually around that same $40 mark for 40lbs. For a 30 gallon tank though, if you're going fish only, you can prolly get away with a 20 or maybe 30lb bag... what's the base footprint?

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