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  1. P

    African Dwarf Frog Lump

    RIP my friend. He died this moring.
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    African Dwarf Frog Lump

    I did on a search on posts from other forums about lumps of african dwarfs frogs and no one replied with answers. Maybe this rare for them. I not sure what it is, its start out like a small pimple on the top of neck with no discoloration. Now my frog looks like he has an hunchback. He has eaten...
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    African Dwarf Frog Lump

    My african dwarf frog has a big lump on the back of his neck for about two weeks, it's getting pretty big and he has stop eating. Something is seriously wrong. I have him about a year and a half. There is no discoloration on the lump, the lump is almost the size of his head. He is in a 10...
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    Help Me Chose A Fish For My 10 Gallon Planted Tank.

    Help me chose a fish for my 10 gallon planted tank. I am considering dwarf Rasbora or neon tetras. Rasboras are smaller so I can keep a larger school. Neons are more colorful in my opinion, but the fear of neon tetra disease is a concern. Neons are a little to common but I always wanted them...
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    Pimafix Or Melafix Questions

    I am already changing water at about 25% or more each week. Tank should be fully cycled to about a year (fully planted). Ammonia= 0, nitrite= 0, ph = 7.5, Temp= 70-75F. When I saw the white patches the first thing I did was a water change and started to feed variety of processed and live fish...
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    Pimafix Or Melafix Questions

    Isn't Marcyn two a tougher medication? Won't you want to be more gentle with panda cories?I don't think I can use that in my main tank.
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    Pimafix Or Melafix Questions

    No carbon in the tank since it's in planted tank so I'm ready to go. These are the medication you would recommend that I use right? Thanks for the quick response
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    Pimafix Or Melafix Questions

    1.Would PimaFix and MelaFix be safe for a heavily planted tank with an African dwarf frog? Is it safe to add them into my main tank since I do not have room for a hospital tank? (I live in a dorm) 2.If PimaFix and MelaFix are natural remedies can I add them to the tank just a precaution...
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    Aluminum foil DIY Light reflector?

    I want to do a do it yourself reflector for my 10 gallon tank. My question is are Aluminum foil (the ones for ovens and baking) effective material to use? I heard it isn't but this website recommends it. Quote Reflective Materials...
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    Which online store is the best to buy your plants.

    I have already done research on the plants suited for my tank…. Currently it’s a 10 gallon tank with two screw in fluorescence 10 watt 6500k light bulbs from walmart. So 2wpg, Is that right? I have a diy co2, tetra flora pride and regular gravel. I have an anubias nana attached to a driftwood, a...
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    Which online store is the best to buy your plants.

    I am planning on buying a plant package for my 10 gallon tank. I am wondering which oniline aquarium plant store do you think has a better deal and plant quality. I narrow it down to two sites..... http://www.freshwateraquariumplants...tegory_Code=PAP which has 11 plants for 17.99, they chose...
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    How's my lighting?

    it sure is!
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    How's my lighting?

    I have two 10watts flourescent bulbs (not tubes) in my 10 gallon tank. Is that enough lighting? I have anubias java moss and java ferns in my tank currently. Are those plants safe with my lighting? I want upgrade but I can't find flourescent bulbs with higher watts in any of my LFS. But I did...
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    Best place to buy plants online?

    sites that ship to USA anyone?
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    Best place to buy plants online?

    Which website is the best place to buy plants online? I also want a bargain so which is the cheapest?
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    Maracyn 2

    here is better forum on tap water ammonia. This one suggest amquel or prime for ammonia "locking". my tank has been cycle for 6 months so I don't think I need the bio spira.
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    Maracyn 2

    I think I solved my own problem,I found this on another forum. "There may be a chance of ammonia being in your tapwater (if it contains chloramine)" because chlormaine is a chlorine + ammonia bond. "i had a very similar problem with my tap water. Basically what i did is got my tank "cycled...
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    Maracyn 2

    does any one else have ammonia in their tap water? Still looking for help! How am I going to do water changes from now on?
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    Maracyn 2 this site has my city's Water Quality report. hope it helps.
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    Maracyn 2

    I remember testing ammonia when I had ich it was 0pmm. I don't get! Ammonia shouldn't be in tap water period right? It wouldn't be safe for people to drink right? I had my tank for 6 months now, it should be completely cycled now since most of my fishes died off from ich a couple of weeks ago, I...
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    Maracyn 2

    well one of my platy has really stringy poo, it was long. but she eats fine. I found yesterday that my tank ammonia level is 0.25. I was treating ich recently so I was doing water changes like everyday so I shouldn't have ammonia problems. I checked my tap water and the ammonia level was 1.0 I...
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    Maracyn 2

    I have a platy that isn't as lively anymore he hangs in the surface alot and moves around very rarely. He rarely eats anymore but I got him to eat some blood worms today. So is Maracyn 2 the best product to use for this case? Maracyn-Two: Broad-spectrum, nontoxic antibiotic tablets for...
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    Ick medication killed my fishes?

    ok ...........I going to trust my own judgement and use that brand. Im pretty sure it's some kind of internal parasite problem.
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    Ick medication killed my fishes?

    Maracyn-Two: Broad-spectrum, nontoxic antibiotic tablets for infections of fin and tail rot, popeye, gill disease, dropsy, septicemia, secondary and internal infections. Effective even when fish won't eat in freshwater aquariums. No water changes, pH, or temperature adjustments necessary if...
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    Ick medication killed my fishes?

    my guppy died today... something beside ick killed it... his belly was pretty larger. So I tried to feed it peas but he wouldn,t eat at all. All I have left is my platy everyone died from other cases besides ick. I already stopped the ick medication, it,s making everything worst. So should I...
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    Ick medication killed my fishes?

    My platy and guppy dosen't look very good, I haven't seen ick for a long time, since last week. So an whole week have gone by. My platy stays in one place only. his poo is regular but once in a while it is stringy. My guppy just sinks into the ground and sometimes swims around but for both of...
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    Ick medication killed my fishes?

    Thanks i'm getting over it..... still no ick around but the remaining fishes looks stressed.
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    Ick medication killed my fishes?

    alright I'll trust you,first i'll do a 25%water change and lower the water so the filiter water would create more water movement. Not sure about adding the meds but I''l most likey do it with the same brand. Damn Jungle! should I use less than half a tablet? so would I be finished by day five...
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    Ick medication killed my fishes?

    I am just going to stop the meds for now, since no answer my questions. I am going to but the carbon back into the filiter too.
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    Ick medication killed my fishes?

    Help wanted..... Any ick experts out there?should I continue the meds or do a huge water change and be done with it?
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    Ick medication killed my fishes?

    The mucus is just dirt from the filiter, I don't think I should worry about that. The thing is that they don't have signs of ich anymore! it doesn't look like ick killed them. I Don't think I overdose, I followed everything needed to treat ick and used half of the recommmend treatment. Should I...
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    Ick medication killed my fishes?

    My fishes died……I follow what everyone said in the forums……..The was first a case of Ick on a guppy I brought and it started to spread to my platy … my neons to my dwarf Gourami. They all had the EARLY signs of Ick with every little spots on each. I started to surf the web and this forum for...
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    Guppys and Zebra Danios

    As long as you get 5 or 6 zerbra danios everything should be ok. My danios are peaceful but they are a little to hyper and might freak out their tankmates.... a larger tank is best.
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    Bent Tail on cory

    I think it kind of looks like mines. I also see a little pink at his bent tail. Inchworm what do you think?
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    Bent Tail on cory
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    Bent Tail on cory

    He had it recently after I rised my temp to 80.... or maybe before? I started to notice it after I started to treat my tank. It's notice really that noticeably pink but I'll try to post a pic. Thanks (p.s I live in California)
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    I am currently treating ick too. I am using ick clear tablets by Jungle. I am using half a tablet. The ick looked like it clear up today. Which is also day two of treatment. After reading the postings I am going to rise my temp from 78 to 83F. and vacuum 10% before my daily before redoseing...
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    Bent Tail on cory

    I just read Vanvran's post and someone in his post said that Hign tempertures is bad for them could this be whats happening to my cories? I am currently trearting ich and I am purposely rising the temp to around 80F. Should I not do this?
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    Bent Tail on cory

    My albino cory catfish's tail is bent, I start to notice yesterday....... Is it a kind of disese or did he just snap his tail for some unknown reason? He's eating find and still being every active for a cory and swims fine for a fish that has a bent tail, should I be worry? How should treat...
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    Ich on platy

    Well I bought "Ick clear Tank buddies tablets" by Jungle for my tank because it was the only one that says it's safe for plants and scaleless and tetras fishes..... I took the carbon out of my tank put half of the tablet in and rise the temperture to 80 F. So far it's doing better all ich are...