Pimafix Or Melafix Questions


Fish Fanatic
May 5, 2005
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California USA
1.Would PimaFix and MelaFix be safe for a heavily planted tank with an African dwarf frog? Is it safe to add them into my main tank since I do not have room for a hospital tank? (I live in a dorm)

2.If PimaFix and MelaFix are natural remedies can I add them to the tank just a precaution without worry? I HATE to use medication in my tanks so this is usually a last resort.

3.My panda cory seems to have white patches of either a ulcer or fungus growing near his tail for about a week. From my research it looks like ulcer, its white and flaky like dandruff. Only one patch is little fuzzy. Hopefully I can post a picture soon. He is eating well, I giving him a variety of processed fish foods and blood worms just to make him happy, plus a 25% water change.

Both PrimaFix and MelaFix should be ok to use in your main tank, and the African Dwarf Frog shouldn't cause any problems either, but remember to remove any carbon from your filters before hand.
Both PrimaFix and MelaFix should be ok to use in your main tank, and the African Dwarf Frog shouldn't cause any problems either, but remember to remove any carbon from your filters before hand.
No carbon in the tank since it's in planted tank so I'm ready to go. These are the medication you would recommend that I use right?

Thanks for the quick response
let me know how this goes as i had some pandas that showed signs of a fungus on there rear fins (not the tail fin but the one in the middle) and alas they all dies even after treatment with melafix and pimafix
Both PrimaFix and MelaFix should be ok to use in your main tank, and the African Dwarf Frog shouldn't cause any problems either, but remember to remove any carbon from your filters before hand.
No carbon in the tank since it's in planted tank so I'm ready to go. These are the medication you would recommend that I use right?

Thanks for the quick response

Since its not totally clear what the problem is specifically, MelaFix and PrimaFix seem to be the best options for you at the moment. Its what I would use anyway.
Well you can give it a try but i wouldn't risk it with panda corys, i would use maracyn two.
Corys are fine with antibiotics it's the parasite meds they don't like, but with having ulcers i wouldn't relie on the meds you are using. As long as you increase aeration.

Manufacturer: Mardel
A broad-spectrum antibiotic for internal or external gram negative bacterial infections which can even be absorbed through the skin. Effective treatment of fin and tail rot, popeye, gill disease, dropsy (swollen body, protruding scales), septicemia (bleeding or red streaks on the body), secondary and internal infections. Effective even when fish won't eat.
Active ingredient: Mincycline hydrochlor.

But i would remove the frogs.
These are two good meds for treating ulcers.

nitrofuran or kanamycin sulfate.
i honestly think you've had bad advice in this thread. melafix wont prevent the problem. none of the suggestions will. they will help heal but wont fix the issue. what is more important is that you find out what the cause is. i can tell you right away that regular water changes will be the long term fix. for this fungus. this problem is always related to bad water conditins in the tank.

you really should do a 30% water change once a week. i have done this for 3 years and never once have i needed any medication or salt in my tanks. my fish are completely healthy. buy all means help him heal with melafix. (its basically tea tree oil) but you need to address the cause not just the quick fix
Lets also look at your stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph, how often do you maintain the tank.
I keep panda corys never had any problems as i gravel vac mine twice a week, though corys are very prone to bacterial infections.
Antibiotics will help heal the ulcers but we have to find out why they are getting them.
I am already changing water at about 25% or more each week. Tank should be fully cycled to about a year (fully planted). Ammonia= 0, nitrite= 0, ph = 7.5, Temp= 70-75F. When I saw the white patches the first thing I did was a water change and started to feed variety of processed and live fish food to boost up his immune system. He is still actively chasing food so this is either early stages or not even ulcer at all. But base on photos and description of fish diseases online, the photos of ulcer and fungus seem to match with the white patches on the tail. I could be just overreacting, I hate dosing medication because of its harsh effects. That’s why I wanted to ask you guys, what you thought about PrimaFix and MelaFix. Because of its natural remedies I won’t have worry about dosing it and finding out that it was a false alarm.

I will try my best to post photos.

try upping the temp to 76-78 that should make quite a diffrence.
I used pimafix but it did nothing :\. Maybe a hospital tank:\ oops errr a bucket, beta bowl, or tea cup and a sponge filter? and use the hardcore meds like maracyn 2, methylene blue, and salt? I regret getting the natural remedy >.<.

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