Ick medication killed my fishes?


Fish Fanatic
May 5, 2005
Reaction score
California USA
My fishes died……I follow what everyone said in the forums……..The was first a case of Ick on a guppy I brought and it started to spread to my platy …..to my neons to my dwarf Gourami. They all had the EARLY signs of Ick with every little spots on each. I started to surf the web and this forum for answer. What I gather was to rise my temperature to 80F do a 25% water change, take out the carbon and take out my ADF and Decors to another tank. And most importantly redoes and do 25% water change everyday for 5 or more days even if ick is cleared from the fishes. I went to my LFS and bought Ick Clear tablets by Jungle. The main ingredients are Victoria green and acriflavine. The box said it was safe for plants, scaleless fishes and tetras and it was the only one that said it was safe for all of the above. On the first night of treatment everything looked good I put half a tablet and the ick clear away the next night everyone looked better. There was no more white spots and I thought everything was over. I Started to notice one of my two albino cory cats but one of them did have a bent tail…but he was still active and eating fine. I lower my temp a bit to 78 F because people told me, high temperature is not good for cories. I skipped day two’s treatment. On day three I did a 25% water change before I redose the tank with the other half of the tablet. Then the water was make a weird sound and it was making a lot of bubbles and was getting foamy on the surface. At first I thought it was the medication but I didn’t remember it doing that my first time I put it into the tank. Then each one of my neons started dieing one by one through out the day. I changed some of the water again ( about 10%) because I thought the medication was cause it, noting changed. So I checked my filter and unplugged a huge ball of mucus. I guess that was so what was making the water bubble so much because the water was fine afterwards. I'mleft with one guppy, one dwarf Gourami, one platy, and two albino cory cats. I thought it was over intill this morning I found the healthier one of my cory dead. SO what am I doing Wrong? I did everything needed to treat ick. Did I do something wrong on my second medication? Did I follow the instructions for treating ick right. I am really close to just selling the whole tank away and stepping away from the hobby. What should I do now it’s day four of treatment should I still treat the tank? And change the water? Is that the problem from the beginning? (Is it safe to use warm water from the tap? This is my first time using really warm water to match 80F on my tank)

My water Ammonia = 0 Nitrite=0 Ph= 8.0 water temp= 78

(no nitrate test)
:-( I'm so sorry it's all gone badly for you.
I'm somewhat suprised at your water readings. NitrAte should have some reading, not 0. -_-
I'm currently treating for ich myself but with a different medication. Is it possible yours have velvet, not ich? It does look very similar from the outside, especially if you haven't much experience with them. As for the mucus you found, that sounds ominous too. :crazy:
I'm sorry I'm not much help. I won't raise the temp of my tank. It seems to stress them more then if you leave it as it is. But that's personal.
I hope someone with alot more experience and knowledge can help you. :)
SO sorry. Ich medications are powerful things, and if a fish is very weakened by ich, the meds might finish it off.Not much you can do but wait it out. Good luck!
The mucus is just dirt from the filiter, I don't think I should worry about that. The thing is that they don't have signs of ich anymore! it doesn't look like ick killed them. I Don't think I overdose, I followed everything needed to treat ick and used half of the recommmend treatment. Should I redose again, I don't want more fishes to die, so I really want to avoid redoseing. I know ick might still be in the water but the medication seems more deadlier. What should I do? Still confused........

Thanks you guys! I feel the LOVE!
It scares me as I was planing on using jungle to treat ick in the future but now I probably would think about sticking with quickcure as it seems like the med is too strong :(.
Help wanted..... Any ick experts out there?should I continue the meds or do a huge water change and be done with it?
With parasites you can also get bacteria infectons on top, some fish are funny with whitespot and meds specially the neon tetra, so sorry for all your losses, did you run an airstone for extra aeration as meds take the 02 out of he water, what is your nitrate reading.
I am just going to stop the meds for now, since no answer my questions. I am going to but the carbon back into the filiter too.
I have never used the med you are using. I wouldn't stop treating right now. The ich is probably incubating in your substrate. I would use a different med. Maracide is safe for plants and scaleless fish. It works well. Do a water change before adding more medication. Not dosing them with meds could very well kill your remaining fish, so the choice really is yours.

Lower the water level to increase surface agitation if you have a HOB filter. Or add an airstone. Sorry I couldn't help more.
alright I'll trust you,first i'll do a 25%water change and lower the water so the filiter water would create more water movement. Not sure about adding the meds but I''l most likey do it with the same brand. Damn Jungle! should I use less than half a tablet? so would I be finished by day five? with a temp around 78 F?

Thanks! For the support...... so friendly here....... I miss my cory...he was my buddy.
i hate ich.....anyways i had a prob like this a few months ago(i introduced a female guppy to try to breed her 2 days later she had her babies and i put them in a breeder net or w/e u call it next day she was like a baloon and covered in fuzz so i took her and she died within a few min...i did a 30% partial....next day oh no ICH!!! so i treat it....next day gone.....next day back again....it went like this for 2 1/2 weeks and i lost 2 guppys a danio my beautiful school of mixed tetras and all my fry) what i did is raise the temp to 85(i read that it made the ich go through its life cycle thus making it go away faster) and kept treating it....i was told u have to treat a few after it appears to be gone just to be on the safe side
When you do the water change do you add anything - de-chlorinator? Could that be reacting with the ick treatment? I've had Ick in my tank twice before (in about 10 years) and have just got it again with some recent additions. My steps are;
Change 25% of the water
turn lights of permanently for length of treatment
turn heat up to 80 f
add treatment (usually about ten days)
Change 25% water every other day for a week - AFTER 10 days of treatment is finished.

I always addd at least one more treatment after signs of ick have gone

My water changes are pretty regular so I can get away with not changing any during treatment, I figure this reduces the stress on them as they get left alone for 10 days but also ensures I'mnot diluting the strength of the medication or mixing chemicals too much.

Hope that helps

I have always found Jungle to be a good brand, I use it for fungus and bacterial control and never had a loss...

with Ick (I also use Quick cure) meds they are very strong, and weak fish and or tetras etc need WAY less than the recommended dose or it can kill them.Maybe your fish were too far along already - I know it sucks to lose fish and even more when you do what you are supposed to and they still die:(
My platy and guppy dosen't look very good, I haven't seen ick for a long time, since last week. So an whole week have gone by. My platy stays in one place only. his poo is regular but once in a while it is stringy. My guppy just sinks into the ground and sometimes swims around but for both of them something is clearly wrong.. Is there any thing else I can do besides just treating for ick? I do 25% water change everyday. Should I just stop with the treatment? and I keep on reading about shelled peas, what is that for? peas from a snow pea?

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