Bent Tail on cory


Fish Fanatic
May 5, 2005
Reaction score
California USA
My albino cory catfish's tail is bent, I start to notice yesterday....... Is it a kind of disese or did he just snap his tail for some unknown reason? He's eating find and still being every active for a cory and swims fine for a fish that has a bent tail, should I be worry? How should treat this? The bent part is a little pink not bumpy but just pinkish, is it swollen or is there something like a tumor growing?
I just read Vanvran's post and someone in his post said that Hign tempertures is bad for them could this be whats happening to my cories? I am currently trearting ich and I am purposely rising the temp to around 80F. Should I not do this?
When my platys got a bent tail she had dropsy a bacteria infection, and high temp can cause bacteria to multiply in a tank, is there any swelling or bloated look to the tummy, and how do the barbels look.
Hi Platinumpete :)

I'm worried about the pinkish thing you talked about. That could be a sign of bacterial problems. Could you please post a picture of your cory?

Also, if you put your location in your profile we might be able to suggest an appropriate medicine once the problem is diagnosed. :D
Has your fish always had it or has it recently developed?

My oldest albino cory has a bent tail too and has since I got her but she's doing great nearly 4 years later and occasionally spawns eggs (no males fertilized them yet though). Depending on the lighting, sometimes the crook in her tail looks pinkish but without a picture of yours I can't say if it's the same thing.
He had it recently after I rised my temp to 80.... or maybe before? I started to notice it after I started to treat my tank. It's notice really that noticeably pink but I'll try to post a pic. Thanks (p.s I live in California)

That doesn't look the same as mine plus it's hard to tell if it is just the lighting. This is what mine looks like.


The picture quality of my pics was an old digital camera so lighting is off some. It used to be fish like this were culled as fry but they no longer do that so you sometimes get a bent fin fish. Mine has always had it though so I know for certain it was not from disease. I doubt yours is from disease either but you still want to keep an eye on it.
Hi Platinumpete :)

It's not unusual for fish to develop deformities as they grow and mature. I suspect your fish might have been prone to it all along but you might not have noticed until the pink spot appeared.

The pink spot might be a sign of bacterial infection. It could be the beginning of an ulcer. Why not do a big water change and bottom vacuuming and add a dose of Melafix? That might do the trick since it looks like it is just starting.

MelaFix is a mild anti-bacterial that often helps in cases like this. It won't hurt your fish, and if it is going to help you will be able to see the improvement in a day or two. If the condition persists or gets worse, you can always do a water change and move on to Kanamycin or Tetracycline. IMHO, it's best not to use these good medicines unless there is no other viable choice.

If you can lower the temperature of your tank to around 76 degrees it will help too, because harmful bacteria tend to multiply faster in hotter water.

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