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  1. lukes280


    cheers well the light is qite strong and ya i will read up on it, thanks again Luke
  2. lukes280

    Fish Behaviour Change After Move To New Tank

    lol they will be use to you in know time unlick gold fish, with a 3 secound memory, the tropicals have alot more lol, because the recinze feeding time and also the time and also me but when my broth come in they hid so :) Luke
  3. lukes280


    Ok i have some plants in my tank, found out that you need to feed them and they need CO2. What do i need to feed them, i need a website or somthing that sells them cheap as got no money for a while. do i really need CO2 or is it just a pea take?? Thanks Luke
  4. lukes280

    Fish Behaviour Change After Move To New Tank

    i would just leave them for a bit and see if they get less shy, i had that problem with my Corys as they just hid behing the rock which i found qite amusing as they just looked at me like what?! lol Luke
  5. lukes280

    Home Made Tank Dividers

    not so sure but here is an idea, if using glass wash it, get some water seal, you need another person. what you probly need to do is one person holds the glass the other seals it, this might be the best option just to use glass and water seal. put tiny holes in the glass to allow water flow...
  6. lukes280


    i use to have a clown loach, it was great, but it got eaten by my angels :( because of the babys
  7. lukes280


    well it depends would they eat other fish and would it it fry and what do i do with it when it is done if it dont get on with fish or fry
  8. lukes280


    ok, no fish are in the tank as of yet but i might try the assin snail, it sound cool lol, thanks for the reply, i will right saying what i did but the med sound cool to so decision time lol Luke
  9. lukes280

    Angel Fish Fry Feeding

    i do for the moment but in 2weeks it will be full of guppies and neons, to be honest the big tank should be ok because they are ground fish and the angel fish are tending to keep the corner to them self's lol. Thanks for the advise i will see how things go before taking this step. Luke
  10. lukes280


    ok so 30c will kill them?? I dont have plant food, do i need it, will it polut the water. my plant is an oxgen one so will it grow. what plant food will i need to get. CO2, i dont have that either, will i need that as well?? Luke
  11. lukes280


    Hi, got a problem. i transferred some plants in to another tank. it is empty of all fish atm. problem is that snails got in to the tank via the plant. i need help getting rid of them. what i was going to do is turn the heat up to 30 or as high as possible to see if that kills them, if not how...
  12. lukes280

    Angel Fish Fry Feeding

    ok thanks how will i get the fry out as it is in a 20 gallon may be a bit bigger tank. the good thing is my fish are all ground fish except the angels. shall i leave them in the tank i have now?? Luke
  13. lukes280

    Angel Fish Fry Feeding

    Ok thanks alot, one more question how many times aday do i feed them and how much and i watched a video saying that it is recommended to change the water 2 times aday to keep the fry in good living order, is that true?? Thanks again Luke
  14. lukes280

    Angel Fish Fry Feeding

    ok apparantly these dont hatch you just feed them it?? is it true? it says "Simply rehydrate the de-capsulated brine shrimp eggs for a few minutes in fresh water and feed directly to your fry" is this ok. what does it mean by rehydrate the decapsulated brin shrimp eggs for a few minutes in fresh...
  15. lukes280

    What To Put In My 9 Foot Tank

    lol can you do use a favour pestcontrol??
  16. lukes280

    What To Put In My 9 Foot Tank

    2 weeks holiday lol
  17. lukes280

    What To Put In My 9 Foot Tank

    lol and have fun, school started today :(
  18. lukes280

    Angel Fish Fry Feeding

    Hi, bit disappointed with no reply on my other post's. Ok well got a question now, would this be ok to feed them GREAT SALT LAKE DECAPSULATED BRINE SHRIMP EGGS. This is also a link, or should i by Artemia Revolution Brine Shrimp Eggs or any other suggestions would be helpfull but got to be cheap...
  19. lukes280

    Water Parasite?

    Ok your fish could have already had paracits, there is a couple of ways of doing it. either by the cure white spot or can turn your tempture up to 26'c and it will kill the parsits within a week or 2. My tanks are both on 26 so i have never had white spot, hope this helps, Luke
  20. lukes280

    Angel Fish Laying Eggs (Ergant Help)

    Need a reply
  21. lukes280

    Angel Fish Laying Eggs (Ergant Help)

    Hi every one, big problem. my angels have started laying eggs. my problem is that it is on the filter. today i was going to change the filter as it is blocked with gunk and is not working as the gunk has stopped the fan moving. number two is i haven't changed the water in two weeks and also...
  22. lukes280

    Mixing The Fish

    well we will soon find out, i will report back in a month with the update on how it went Luke
  23. lukes280

    Mixing The Fish

    LOL i know, but i love them haha :) Luke
  24. lukes280

    Mixing The Fish

    yea i will. Thanks for the reply, i will get the fish in the next week or so Thanks again Luke
  25. lukes280

    Mixing The Fish

    ok thanks, i will get my dad to by it Thanks again Luke
  26. lukes280

    Angel Fish Laying Eggs

    Hi every one, big problem. my angels have started laying eggs. my problem is that it is on the filter. today i was going to change the filter as it is blocked with gunk and is not working as the gunk has stopped the fan moving. number two is i haven't changed the water in two weeks and also...
  27. lukes280

    Angel Fish

    Ok i will do, i will go to the fish store soon :) Thanks Luke
  28. lukes280

    Mixing The Fish

    thanks for the reply, Gaz_S, thanks for the reply that's a great idea. I will do that and any one know where to get a cheap pH kit?? Thanks Luke
  29. lukes280


    Ok, i have two angels male and female it think. I was watching on you tube not long ago on there breeding routine (when they look like they are fighting both with lips and that). I also have two unidentified problems. The last couple of weeks the female i think it picking on the black male by...
  30. lukes280

    Food Diet

    My cucumber has been in 12 hours nearly and the snail are on it, might be a method of getting rid of snails, as they are not on the glass. Thanks Luke
  31. lukes280

    Angel Fish Breeding

    Brilliant Video. i got two angels. Loved it Luke
  32. lukes280

    Shy Swordtails

    Most fish prefer to be by the bottom until the light gets turned out. is there any other fish in there?? Thanks Luke
  33. lukes280

    L168 - Butterfly Pleco

    Thanks, thats really help full, can't wait till he is an adult lol :) thanks again Luke
  34. lukes280

    Angel Fish

    Ok, but where would you find a koi angel fish?? Thanks Luke
  35. lukes280

    What To Put In My 9 Foot Tank

    that sounds more sensible. good look with your tank Luke
  36. lukes280

    Angel Fish

    Ok Found the fish's name it is a Kio Angelfish. problem now is i can't see any look of finding a Kio angelfish in Plymouth united kingdom, any help?? This is what they look like
  37. lukes280

    Food Diet

    ok i wont leave it in more than 24 hours. Thanks For The Reply Luke
  38. Photo0096.jpg


  39. lukes280

    Food Diet

    Ok the cucumber is in but the fish don't seem to be paying any attention to eat. i have weighed it down by sliding it in to the gravel (meaning put some of it under the gravel with half hanging out like the picture below). What shall i do. shall i leave it over night??
  40. lukes280

    Food Diet

    Ok lol will do:)