Food Diet


Fish Fanatic
Apr 7, 2010
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Hi, all my fish are on flake's and frozen worms (2 angels, 2 Synodontis angelicus (which I think live on algae), Pleco 168 (which I also thinks lives on algae) and also 2 Albino Aeneus Cory Cat (which I think eats the leftover food or eats the c**p off the floor). I have saw on the internet fish eating cucumber and other fruit, would this be ok with my fish and plus can some one give me a list of food that I can give my fish to give them a strong and healthy diet.

hi, you can try your fish with many foods. for the plec, you could try lots of blanched veggies, such as: courgette, cucumber, shelled peas and lettuce. for the plecos main diet it needs algae wafers, or something similar, as it can't live happily just eating algae. as for the corys, they DO NOT eat the other fishes waste, but they will eat flake food that reaches the bottom, although i like to feed mine sinking tablets for bottom feeding fish. the corys also love blood worms. also, the Synodontis can't live just on algae, but needs a proper food such as flake, algae wafers pellets, bloodworm and veggies. the angels will be happy on bloodworm and flake. i also feed my fish earthworms from my garden, which saves a bit of money from bloodworm.

cheers :good:
hi, you can try your fish with many foods. for the plec, you could try lots of blanched veggies, such as: courgette, cucumber, shelled peas and lettuce. for the plecos main diet it needs algae wafers, or something similar, as it can't live happily just eating algae. as for the corys, they DO NOT eat the other fishes waste, but they will eat flake food that reaches the bottom, although i like to feed mine sinking tablets for bottom feeding fish. the corys also love blood worms. also, the Synodontis can't live just on algae, but needs a proper food such as flake, algae wafers pellets, bloodworm and veggies. the angels will be happy on bloodworm and flake. i also feed my fish earthworms from my garden, which saves a bit of money from bloodworm.

cheers :good:

Sweet thanks for the detailed information. When I get the money I will go buy some algae wafers. Do i have to clean the works from the garden and also what fish will eat them.

Thanks again
just a note on the earthworms . make sure that no artificial fertilisers or pesticides have been use where you have taken them form

for the plecos :hikari algy wafers
the synodontis :tetra tabimin
corydoras : tetra tabimin

and also i doubt the angelicus will eat much algy in the wild they mostly eat insects, so obviously frozen foods are realy good for them

definatly give the veggies mentioned a try they are all good stuff

just a note on the earthworms . make sure that no artificial fertilisers or pesticides have been use where you have taken them form

for the plecos :hikari algy wafers
the synodontis :tetra tabimin
corydoras : tetra tabimin

and also i doubt the angelicus will eat much algy in the wild they mostly eat insects, so obviously frozen foods are realy good for them

definatly give the veggies mentioned a try they are all good stuff


Ok thanks. how shall I feed them as i feed my angels including the other fish once aday. shall i feed all the fish at once or no??

hi, the angels, Synodontis and corys will eat the earthworms. i wash them and squeeze the guts out of the bigger ones first, and then chop them into little pieces for the corys and angels, but the Synodontis may eat them in bigger pieces. just see what works best for you. but like synodontismultipunctatus said, make sure no chemicals have been sprayed near where you get the worms from. i get them from my back garden, where i don't use any artificial fertilisers or pesticides.

cheers :good:
hi, the angels, Synodontis and corys will eat the earthworms. i wash them and squeeze the guts out of the bigger ones first, and then chop them into little pieces for the corys and angels, but the Synodontis may eat them in bigger pieces. just see what works best for you. but like synodontismultipunctatus said, make sure no chemicals have been sprayed near where you get the worms from. i get them from my back garden, where i don't use any artificial fertilisers or pesticides.

cheers :good:

Very new to the worms, how will i do this, just grab i by the head or tail and sqweeze down??

Do i wash all foods before feeding.

Sorry new to feeding different foods.

shouldnt need to wash stuff u buy in a store , and have you ever tryed to wash flake food XD ??
nah just the worms u find in your garden , you can cut em up or squeeze em but i find that this is very messy. but makes it easier for the fish .. i just think its jokes when a catfish has entire worm in its mouth, and its better to feed the cats after youve turned the lights off , fish tend to like less fod but more often but u can easily get away with once a day
thanks for all the replys, just about to get a cucumber from the freedge and see how it goes.

Thanks Again
Ok the cucumber is in but the fish don't seem to be paying any attention to eat. i have weighed it down by sliding it in to the gravel (meaning put some of it under the gravel with half hanging out like the picture below). What shall i do. shall i leave it over night??
Ok the cucumber is in but the fish don't seem to be paying any attention to eat. i have weighed it down by sliding it in to the gravel (meaning put some of it under the gravel with half hanging out like the picture below). What shall i do. shall i leave it over night??
View attachment 59944

What i do leave it in 12 hours and it may take time for the fish to get use to eating veg like mine took a week to start taking the cucumber my fish also like peas :) the algae wafers tried just yesterday and took to them straight away. But leaving cucumber in more than 24 hour will rote and make a big mess in your tank.



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