Angel Fish Fry Feeding

they will need hatching first but either are fine and a great source of food for fry. they need to be fed as soon as they have hatched to get the best from them as the longer they are left and grow they become less nutritional.
you can make your own hatcher out of an empty plastic bottle, some air tube and an air pump :good: or buy the in tank one that lfs sell....
they will need hatching first but either are fine and a great source of food for fry. they need to be fed as soon as they have hatched to get the best from them as the longer they are left and grow they become less nutritional.
you can make your own hatcher out of an empty plastic bottle, some air tube and an air pump :good: or buy the in tank one that lfs sell....

ok apparantly these dont hatch you just feed them it?? is it true? it says "Simply rehydrate the de-capsulated brine shrimp eggs for a few minutes in fresh water and feed directly to your fry" is this ok. what does it mean by rehydrate the decapsulated brin shrimp eggs for a few minutes in fresh water. pluse how would i do that. does it have to be hot warm cold??
yes sorry, the salt lake ones you feed as they are and just place them in tank water for a few minutes before feeding as they are dry and need rehydrating.
the revolution ones need hatching as far as i know....

both are decapsulated which is a good thing and saves you a job :good:
Ok thanks alot, one more question how many times aday do i feed them and how much and i watched a video saying that it is recommended to change the water 2 times aday to keep the fry in good living order, is that true??

Thanks again
to have healthy fry they need to be in very very clean water so 50% once a day should be enough. feeding should be as many times a day as you can manage but 2 or 3 at least, this is why water changes are required in such big amounts as uneaten food can cause ammonia spikes or bacterial problems which may well kill the fry. while the fry are small though they will only be in a smallish tank so 50% shouldnt be that bad. when they are a few weeks old they should be much bigger if looked after and will need moving to a larger grow out tank that will need to have quite a lot of space so they dont become stunted from lack of room. stunted fish dont sell unless sold to someone not in the know....
ok thanks how will i get the fry out as it is in a 20 gallon may be a bit bigger tank. the good thing is my fish are all ground fish except the angels. shall i leave them in the tank i have now??

ok thanks how will i get the fry out as it is in a 20 gallon may be a bit bigger tank. the good thing is my fish are all ground fish except the angels. shall i leave them in the tank i have now??

do you have a smaller tank available?

if so they will be better in there as they can find the food easier and can use their energy on growing instead of hunting the next bite to eat.

you could try a fine mesh net but try not to keep them out of the water too long for obvious reasons...

this is why breeders use small breeder tanks then remove either the eggs or the parents
i do for the moment but in 2weeks it will be full of guppies and neons, to be honest the big tank should be ok because they are ground fish and the angel fish are tending to keep the corner to them self's lol.

Thanks for the advise i will see how things go before taking this step.


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