

Fish Fanatic
Apr 7, 2010
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Hi, got a problem. i transferred some plants in to another tank. it is empty of all fish atm. problem is that snails got in to the tank via the plant. i need help getting rid of them. what i was going to do is turn the heat up to 30 or as high as possible to see if that kills them, if not how can i get rid of them fast with out poisoning the water as fish will be in there in a week or 2.

another question is i cut my plants as they where getting to high, i placed them in the other tank, will the live or do they need roots or do they grow them, any idea as it looks like it is turning brown.

Snail away if you never want inverts in the tank. Then vacuum them all out with a syphon. It kills them instantly.. Otherwise, just drop in some lettuce, and leave it for a day, they will be all over, it, remove the lettuce leaf the next day. Then repeat till you have barely any snails left.

Some plants can grow well from off-cuts, but will need a decent substrate, plant food, and CO2 addition to give them the best chance of growing well
ok so 30c will kill them??

I dont have plant food, do i need it, will it polut the water. my plant is an oxgen one so will it grow. what plant food will i need to get. CO2, i dont have that either, will i need that as well??

30 sounds very high for some fish :S

Did you read the OP?

I don't know if just upping the temp will help, but any "snail away" type med will do it in a heartbeat.

Personally I very rarely use meds, treatments of this kind, but I did do a snail away treatment in my first year of fish keeping, on a planted betta tank that was over-run! It was VERY effective. The snails were all falling off the glass within seconds of the addition of the med!
30 sounds very high for some fish :S

Did you read the OP?

I don't know if just upping the temp will help, but any "snail away" type med will do it in a heartbeat.

Personally I very rarely use meds, treatments of this kind, but I did do a snail away treatment in my first year of fish keeping, on a planted betta tank that was over-run! It was VERY effective. The snails were all falling off the glass within seconds of the addition of the med!

Yes, which is what I was replying to :p
30 degrees will not kill the snails as i have plenty ne w arrivals on plants too in my discus tank :crazy:

lettuce leaf over a few days will help, vac a few out will help. if there are no fish then use a chemical and do numerous water changes or add carbon to the filter to remove it when all dead :good:
ok, no fish are in the tank as of yet but i might try the assin snail, it sound cool lol, thanks for the reply, i will right saying what i did but the med sound cool to so decision time lol

ok, no fish are in the tank as of yet but i might try the assin snail, it sound cool lol, thanks for the reply, i will right saying what i did but the med sound cool to so decision time lol

assassin snails are great to look at and good snail eaters but wont clear the problem overnight, it depends on how long you can wait for the snails to clear....
well it depends would they eat other fish and would it it fry and what do i do with it when it is done if it dont get on with fish or fry
well it depends would they eat other fish and would it it fry and what do i do with it when it is done if it dont get on with fish or fry
if you mean the assassin snails then they wont eat fish or fry just snails and if no snails are available then they will eat any meaty foods the fish miss etc. they cant catch fish.....!
assassin snails are a good way to go, clown loaches are another natual preditor that loves escargo

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