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  1. L

    Mac's new Amazonian style Aquarium

    i'm not a Beastie Boys fan, but that background cracks me up. very Amazonian.
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    Do Your Fish Play in the Bubbles?

    exactly! i was thinking the same thing - resistance training :)
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    Congo terta

    beautiful! i'll nominate the 2nd one for FOTM :)
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    Cuckoo Cat

    wow. that's in interesting looking fish. i've never seen one before! (s)he's a cute little chubber. speaking of mating action, my cichlid has been trying to put the make on my gourami lately. i don't know what kinda vibe that trampy gourami is sending out, but it's crossing species!
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    my 55 gl saltwater tank

    yes, it's a good tank. i second the TOTM nomination. i'm with you there freshmike - some day when i have the nerve (and space and time and money and patience and...and...more) i'd love to do a marine tank. not anytime soon.
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    My new ruby red

    he's a nice looking fish. great color!
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    Do Your Fish Play in the Bubbles?

    My Yo Yos are constantly playing in the bubbles, sometimes together. I tried to snap a shot of them together, but one swam off so I just got a shot of the one. I turned the last shot sideways, just cuz my balance was being thrown off. ;) Anyone else have shots of their fish playing?
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    Cichlid ID?

    desirable to whom? you may not think it's high quality, i like the fish and its coloring just fine, thank you. and the fish gets a good diet - a mix of flakes, frozen food and veggies on occasion. mogo and reg - yes, seems it's likely a flameback. thanks for the input. :)
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    My 180 Gallon is all done!!!!!

    nice tank! congratulations. :) and i'm so sorry that you're never ever going to be able to leave home. looks like lots of work. :lol:
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    Cichlid ID?

    mogo, i think you're right. somebody else suggested that and i thought the same thing. i don't think it's a hybrid at all, as i've seen it many places. it's bright yellow, not orange at all.
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    My new gourami

    i know those guys very well :) they're great lookin' fish, aren't they? have one in my tank now. i used to have two, but the female died off. gouramis can be aggressive by themselves, but the little guy's been peaceful so i'll keep him solo.
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    I need to rant

    that's pretty disgusting. but that is not a chain-wide PetSmart policy. i have a friend who works at PetSmart, and they give them away to friends, family, other pet stores, etc.
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    New 55 Gallon pics!

    Budmaster, that is one beautiful tank. I'm very jealous. :)
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    Tank of the month

    they're all quite nice, especially FishCrazy, AquaNut and Freshmike's. nicely done!
  15. L

    Fish of the month

    Limpingfish's is a khuli. Limpyfin's is a gourami ;)
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    my other animals

    jungle cat -- interesting choice of words. last time he went to the vet, we were told he was too heavy and needed to lose his "jungle pouch." -_-
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    more rocks!

    tank looks great so far! if you fit any more rocks in there, you'll have a wall!
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    My Kitty Tony

    i think she's licking cuz she wants to eat that Unbreakable DVD off of the shelf. ;)
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    Cichlid ID?

    about 1.5 to 2 inches in length.
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    My Kitty Tony

    cute cats, especially the first. i like the shot of the other one licking its chops! :lol: my cat is the same -- could care less about the tank. he did when he was younger, but not at all now.
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    Cichlid ID?

    I tried identifying this fish in another forum, but no definite answer. it was in the tank at the lfs labeled as Electric Yellow Cichlid. i know that is not the case, but am wondering what exact cichlid breed it is. it's a beautiful fish and adds a lot of life to my tank. :)
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    living in a fish bowl

    i actually had a gourami live in a bowl quite happily for about a year and a half. it wasn't a huge bowl, but he definitely had room to move.
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    Clown Loaches

    really? you like the kuhli loaches? they sorta wig me out, especially seeing a bunch of them swim and writhe around together. :no:
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    Lets start dog of the month

    snowrat -- cute dogs, both of them! :) knucklehead -- i've seen The Thing too many times. i'm expecting an alien to bust out of your dogs!
  25. L

    Gourami bubble nest!

    brilliant photo!
  26. L

    September Nominations

    and here's the link for the nominations for Ike the gourami
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    my other animals

    yeah, she's pretty much a ham. loves posing. :)
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    Lets start dog of the month

    i'm not sure then if you're uploading the picture. are there size limits? perhaps that's why, but i dunno. i've only listed pics from webspace.
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    Lets start dog of the month

    looks like you've probably listed the URL incorrectly. this is the address of the picture: http://ali-ryan%20puppies.jpg/
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    My Tank

    very well done! as revengeishere said, the bg and rocks go very well together. looks like you've got a great tank started 1x nomination for TotM. :)
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    Finally! A shot of my cichlid

    i've figured that much out already :P
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    My Very First Aquarium :) Just Need Fish lol

    looks good! prepare for those plants to get munched on. :)
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    intro to my site

    nicely done! looks like a lot of fun. :)
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    Finally! A shot of my cichlid

    Alien Anna, i think you're on the right track! after second and third looks i now am pretty sure (unless someone tells me different...i'm easy that way) that it's Pseudotropheus Saulosi.
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    Finally! A shot of my cichlid

    thanks for the help, everyone. i knew it wasn't an electric yellow (that's why i mentioned the dark stripe on the fins), but after looking more i think it is perhaps a Kenyi -- Maylandia Lombardoi otherwise known as Pseudotrophius Lombardoi. though you can't tell from the picture, it's actually...
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    my other animals

    here they are. the last pic of the dog is dark, cuz i didn't have time to adjust the camera. i had to catch her being naughty while i could!
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    wow! i had no idea they got to be that big. then i came across this image:
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    For Pufferpack...

    that is quite a beak!
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    ah! thanks for the clarification. i'm familiar with the algae eater, just not the abbreviated lingo. ;)
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    Finally! A shot of my cichlid

    Sorry for the over-abundance of shots lately. My two cichlids are always hiding and they sense even the smallest amount of movement from my camera. I'm pleased I finally got a good shot of one. A question - the tank at the LFS labeled the cichlid as an electric yellow. Is that the case? The...