Cichlid ID?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 5, 2003
Reaction score
Minneapolis, MN
I tried identifying this fish in another forum, but no definite answer. it was in the tank at the lfs labeled as Electric Yellow Cichlid. i know that is not the case, but am wondering what exact cichlid breed it is. it's a beautiful fish and adds a lot of life to my tank. :)

how big would you say that fish is?my guess it's a hybrid but that could just be coz it's in juvie colors :/
IMO it's a hybrid i could be wrong ;) but i doubt it :p i'm sure the other will be along shortly :nod:
Could it be a Gold Ram? The coloring is exactly the same, and the size is right for a Gold Ram...I had one that was rounder than your photo, but exactly the same coloring...and size...
I wouldn't rush to say that it is a hybrid just yet as others have stated it could be just in juvie colors, and also it just may have not been dominate.... I have a male that looks EXACTLY like one of my females only he is bigger.
Looks to me like you might have a female pseudotropheus sp. common name black dorsal, although I'm having a hard time finding a pic on the web for you. Here's a pic, it's not great, but what can I do..

psuedotropheus black dorsal

Another option is another pseudo sp. nkhomo lime. Also having a hard time finding photos, esp. of younger specimens

Psuedo nkhomo

There are two other possibilities I can think of, but one is highly unlikely, and the other is a far stretch.

I'm sure CM will be able to give you a positive id.

It looks similar to a young Golden Zeb (male)
I've got one that is about 3.5 inches , same markings but slightly darker colouring. kind of more dark orange.

only a suggestion.

mogo, i think you're right. somebody else suggested that and i thought the same thing. i don't think it's a hybrid at all, as i've seen it many places. it's bright yellow, not orange at all.
Looks like a Labidochromis Caeruleus to me, I don't think its a hybrid, but it is not the highest quality fish either. The white on the belly and around the face isnt really desirable, however the color may improve with age, feed a good quality food and make sure she gets some brine shrimp flakes, spirulina, frozen peas, and she will probably color up some. It is hard to find good L. Caeruleus because all fish in captivity have been inbred from a single pair of fish that were gathered in 1984 (Deliverance music here :lol: ). AFAIK these fish come from a protected area of the lake. But wild L. Caeruleus have started to be caught again and imported, which is very good news.
If it were a yellow lab, it would have at least some black markings on either the top or bottom fins. But this one seems to have a blue tinge to the fins. And it has faint vertical bars on its body that a red zebra wouldn't have.
Yep, I think Reg is right. Sure looks like the flameback to me. Having a hard time finding a pic of the flameback in any of my books though. :huh: It's a very pretty fish, but I don't recall every seeing it at any LFS around here.

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