living in a fish bowl

guppies, goramis, goldfish. although they prefer to have tanks.
Well guppies for instance can't live with bettas...but all those fish besides the goldfish and bettas can't live in a fish bowl. Gouramis are too big they need a preety big tank and the rest need air pumps. ;)
I also forgot to add....most of those fish need/prefer to have heaters (Besides goldfish) since there tropical fish. :D
hi Kossy - what's the problem putting betta's in with guppies - have seen them down at LFS and had thought about putting one in my tank - thanks :blink:
Hi, just wanted to say, that I stupidly put 3 guppies (2 female 1 male) in with my betta and he killed the male and the most colourful female, I don't think he noticed the other one as she was white, so I certainly wouldn't recommend putting guppies and bettas together.
I rest my case....some bettas (Like the one in the lfs may have been raised up with them from when he was a small baby) however bettas will mistake them for male bettas due to there long fins. Thats why ;)
Kossy said:
Well guppies for instance can't live with bettas...but all those fish besides the goldfish and bettas can't live in a fish bowl. Gouramis are too big they need a preety big tank and the rest need air pumps. ;)
i actually had a gourami live in a bowl quite happily for about a year and a half. it wasn't a huge bowl, but he definitely had room to move.
Kossy said:
I rest my case....some bettas (Like the one in the lfs may have been raised up with them from when he was a small baby) however bettas will mistake them for male bettas due to there long fins. Thats why ;)
yeah- same thing happened with a long finned zebra danio- my betta simply freaked out and attacked the danio.. cause the fins on the danio will have the betta into thinking that danio is a male betta.. he doesnt go near any other fish, except the long finned guy.. well, live n larn, eh?

What do you mean by a bowl? Do you mean one that hold a cup of water or one that holds a gallon?

Generally, I think a bowl implies that there will be no filtration, heater, etc. It also usually means that it will be uncycled, just emptied and cleaned out periodically. In this circumstance, the water will go from clean and fresh to poluted and nasty before it is cleaned and the fish will have to live in it. :/

Also, a fish should have some room to swim around. Would you like to live in a room that was only 8' by 10'? You probably could, but would you want to? :no:
very, very good point you made there.
My bowl, is a 1 gallon, that has a betta inside. i use something called "waste control" every 4-5 days, and i change the water weekly- the water i put back into this bowl once it is cleaned, comes from the community tank. it is so cruel to keep fish in cups.
What do you mean by "waste control," Whisper Odinsky? A product?

I keep 2 dwarf african frogs in a gallon jar and have to change the water regularly. They are doing fine in there; they're very small. Nevertheless, because they are so delicate I worry every time I have to take them out and clean it. You are not supposed to net them because their claws could get caught in the net and break their toes, so I have to catch them by hand. Needless to say, I fear crushing them. Anything I can do that will keep it fresh longer I will certaintly do for them. :/

It's a good idea, too, about using aged water from your community tank. :D
A touch off topic, but with regards to catching the frogs by hand and being afraid to squish them...

Some of my fish aren't well suited to being netted. I once broke the corner off a silver dollar's tail because it thrashed around so much in the net after I caught it. I don't like to net large gouramis, either, because of their filamentous fins. Ditto on angelfish. Also, I don't like to net pregnant live bearers if I can avoid it. Soooo.. if I need to catch one of these fish, I take a cup/yogurt container/some other plastic container that's the right size for your fish and scoop up the fish along with their water. They're still not thrilled about being caught, but I know I'm not going to damage them inadvertently. A small cup might work well for your frogs. :)

As for life in a fishbowl - I turned my 'goldfish bowl' into a terrarium. :)
its an organic waste eliminator. it says for aquariums, but i only use 1 or 2 drops for the bowl.

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