Search results

  1. forby3

    Name This Fish Only Seen Them Once

    Placidochromis johnstoni i think thats them
  2. forby3

    Name This Fish Only Seen Them Once

    right its the same shape as a champsochromis caeruleus but with large black bars no defo not a Crenicichla strigata
  3. forby3

    Name This Fish Only Seen Them Once

    these where adults
  4. forby3

    Name This Fish Only Seen Them Once

    right went to get my oscars tonight and they guy had a massive malawi tank and there was these fish he no longer wanted around 7 or eight of them there like a pike shape silver and blue cudnt really tell the difference as he had blue lights in his tank but they had bars running down to the...
  5. forby3

    Got The Deal I Was After

    back yes and more oscars lol a albino and a tiger
  6. forby3

    Got The Deal I Was After

    ooooooh its tooo cold for that hun i will send the bairn oot later to do that i must do something they have sat out there too long now but tonight im off to get some new oscars
  7. forby3

    Got The Deal I Was After

    well so far the rain is doing a mint job at cleaning the tanks lol
  8. forby3

    Got The Deal I Was After

    thanks think its going to a while
  9. forby3

    Names For The Tigers

    im saying ren and stimpy mate
  10. forby3

    Got The Deal I Was After

    right im buying more tanks lol
  11. forby3

    Got The Deal I Was After

    tell me about it there is also three tanks in the shed aswell
  12. forby3

    Well I Have My 2 Little Albinos

    sorry cudnt find the camera had to use my phone erghh
  13. forby3

    Who Likes Indian Food?

    here is one of the kitchen porters eating a naga chilli
  14. forby3

    Who Likes Indian Food?

    haha well im a chef at jesmond dene house and in the kitchen we have a little thing going basically it involves trying chillies and sauces now i have had a phal and vindaloo but nothing i mean nothing compares to this you will have to google it but my god i have never ever tasted something so...
  15. forby3

    Well I Have My 2 Little Albinos

    well i got them 2 tiny little albino oscars and very outgoing i must say
  16. forby3

    Pics Of My Gold Sevs

    very nice sevs mate
  17. forby3

    Looks Like Ive Got A Couple Of Interior Designers

    mark mate after making the comment yesterday about tigers being the best imo guess what im getting the day lol 2 free albinos lol and yes start glueing things down mate lol
  18. forby3

    Rotkeil Severums

    well when you get bored have a trip up here dont forget to pack some sevs though
  19. forby3

    Got The Deal I Was After

    will get sum up the day i promise
  20. forby3

    Got The Deal I Was After

    maybe just maybe although i dont like mbuna
  21. forby3

    Got The Deal I Was After

    well got sone time on my hands today better start somewhere i guess
  22. forby3

    Got The Deal I Was After

    ha ha ha a holiday and to pay the electric monthly fish fund suffering next month then lol
  23. forby3

    Rotkeil Severums

    you not fancy a nice little holiday up newcastle star4
  24. forby3

    Got The Deal I Was After

    stop bragging hun lol im trying to get some red spot sevs breeding pair at the mo i may set the large tank up just for a pair of JAGS
  25. forby3

    Got The Deal I Was After

    hahahaha took some grovelling mate trust me but all in all i havnt got a clue where to start there is that much stuff to wade through boxes of filters and boxes of media boxes of heaters and i mean there is just loads more than i thought i was getting im like a kid at a sweet shop only thig is i...
  26. forby3

    Pics Of The New Tigers

    stunning mate love them i think tigers are far better imo like more character
  27. forby3

    Got The Deal I Was After

    thanks star4 just need some fish to fill these tanks lol
  28. forby3

    New Tiger Oscars

    hope they settle in well mark and pics soon as mate
  29. forby3

    Got The Deal I Was After

    well i have my sevs bt things are a bit too busy in my main tank for them and also my rainbows so will be good to get them there own tank will put pics up later when i find the camera
  30. forby3

    Got The Deal I Was After

    i thought that too when i looked at his add
  31. forby3

    Got The Deal I Was After

    oh and all this cost £300
  32. forby3

    Got The Deal I Was After

    well i was looking through the adds like you do and something caught my eye i couldnt belive what he was asking so i rang the guy up and low and behold the price was right so after talking to the other half she gave in i was allowed to go ahead with the deal so today i got up went to the bank...
  33. forby3

    For Sale Alot Of Stuff

    anyone need it gone for 2moro
  34. forby3

    Fixing Scratches On Glass

    Apply polishing or jeweler's rouge to a lambs wool buffing pad. You can either buff the scratch by hand using a circular motion or with an electric buffer on medium speed. 2 Wash the polishing compound, jeweler's rouge or whitening toothpaste off from time to time in order to check on the...
  35. forby3

    Wanted: 300Watt Heater

    you have to let people know where you are my friend
  36. forby3

    Early Birthday Pressy

    parachromis managuensis with its teeth filed down