New Tiger Oscars


comfortably numb
May 23, 2008
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ever since i got cheech and chong , ive always had this nagging dissapoiontment in the back of my mind that i really wanted tigers. so i decided today to do something about it before they got too big to be wanted , and took them to my lfs and swapped them for 2 absolutely gorgeous little tigers .

You got rid of Cheech and Chong!

Are you mad, they were stunning. Oh boy, couldnt you of added a tiger to them :unsure: Or even swapped out the one with lesser black fins atleast for a tiger?
yep they are gone . i didnt want the next 10 years of looking at the tank half with pleasure , half with knowing they werent what i really wanted , so they have been exchanged .
the lutinos were an impulse buy cos they didnt have tigers , and its bugged me ever since. imo these 2 are far more handsome. nope timmybee no names yet i have literally just released them into the tank .
Oh Mark, you let yourself down there :lol: They were beautifull Oscars never-the-less.

Not to put you down though i'm sure you new ones are just as ace. When can we expect pictures?
they have literally been in the tank for like 20 mins , so il give them a couple of hours to calm down and fire off a few shots
Oh well don't startle them. In no rush, would hate to demand you stress your fish more than they already are.
Personally I would have gone with one of each, lutino are far more placid than tigers.
different strokes for different folks i guess . but i like tigers . and its my tank so ner ner :lol:
I love tigers too, I adore mine, well one in particular the other monster I put up with :lol:
(Yes I do love Chops to bits really)
these 2 are already more outgoing , out and about front and centrew already , they have alo eaten a pellet each ( yes these are propper babys lol 1 medium hikari pellet is a meal!) so im gonna go and see how they react to the camera. hopefully pics up soon
Awww its a shame to see Cheech and Chong go but I know the feeling of having not quite the right fish in your tank it was like that for me with a lot of my fish but you do learn after a while not to impulse buy any more though if you ever see something on your wish list then you can grab it when you see it :)

Looking forward to pics :)
hope they settle in well mark and pics soon as mate

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