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  1. forby3

    Heres My 2 Playing

    ohhh sorry star will put some up later but i warn you they are very shy compared to these little monsters
  2. forby3

    Couldnt Resist A Few More Pics

    ha ha ha mine was 3 ft long though and 2 ft high
  3. forby3

    Couldnt Resist A Few More Pics

    sweet and a very very cheap price i payed £125 i think for mine
  4. forby3

    Heres My 2 Playing

    well mark i thought i would put some up seeming though you did although you camera skills are far better mate
  5. forby3

    Couldnt Resist A Few More Pics

    i love that lump of bogwood its a lovely shape i remember my massive bit wish i kept it now
  6. forby3

    State Of The Tank

    ohh ok i see it where the plants are sorry
  7. forby3

    State Of The Tank

    do you have any form of filtration in the tank as i cannot see any sorry if you do
  8. forby3

    Couldnt Resist A Few More Pics

    ha ha ha i think you should do a full tank shot mate
  9. forby3

    Couldnt Resist A Few More Pics

    do these have the 4x2x2 all to them selves lol
  10. forby3

    Star4 Check Oddball Express

    its a hoplarchus psittacus
  11. forby3

    Wanted Easy Cared For Plant

    im looking to get some easy cared for plants for my fish house tanks im getting some cherry shrimp so plants for them too many thanks in return
  12. forby3

    Coloured Card In Odd Sizes Online

    mark use black wall paper mate does the same and you wont have any joins get the thick stuff
  13. forby3

    Channa Asiatica 3"

    so you suggest its own tank then i think nelly has kept these where has he gone
  14. forby3

    2 Free Additions To My Tank

    sorry guys and girls
  15. forby3

    2 Free Additions To My Tank

    thats was my breeding lot loved them nothing would mess with mr managuensis
  16. forby3

    Severum Fry !

    there great im dying for mine to breed they still just mock fighting at the moment
  17. forby3

    2 Free Additions To My Tank

    sorry no hun he lives in a much bigger tank he was mine for a while though
  18. forby3

    Freakin Insane Growth

    i agree a 4x2x2 is fine i had my 2 breeding pair in that size but back to topic how many times you feeding these guys a day mark ( and i hope its not greggs pastys)
  19. forby3

    2 Free Additions To My Tank

    i get free fish all the time i dont really know why people just bring me fish and say can you take these in and of course im more than happy to help
  20. forby3

    Ultimate Fish Keepers Plaster

    are they aquarium safe though
  21. forby3

    2 Free Additions To My Tank

    yes free
  22. forby3

    Are These Compatible?

    endlers and guppies are not a got mix you will end up with a lot of hybrid fish mate
  23. forby3

    2 Free Additions To My Tank

    thanks guys
  24. forby3

    2 Free Additions To My Tank

  25. forby3

    Channa Asiatica 3"

    no probs will add some photos tomorrow but i have enough tanks to separate just incase cheers davo86
  26. forby3

    Channa Asiatica 3"

    well its arriving tomorrow so just needed to know where to put him my tanks a fair size and everything in it it smallish 300l 4 x small oscars 1 green terror 2 x red shoulder sevrums 2 x green sevs and thats it
  27. forby3

    Channa Asiatica 3"

    Channa asiatica can i keep one of these with my oscars there around 3-4 " themselves or will i be setting its own tank up
  28. forby3

    Name The Fishy

    star i think your bang on with the i.d like
  29. forby3

    Name The Fishy

    it looks more like a sp 44 haplochromis red tail to me
  30. forby3

    Name The Fishy

    defo not a pbass mate i would be over the moon if they where as i have just been giving a trio
  31. forby3

    Name The Fishy

  32. forby3

    2 New Ones For Star4 To Name

    i think im going to go with star4's names Ebony & Ivory but have named my other 2 little ones ren and stimpy
  33. forby3

    Name This Fish Only Seen Them Once

    davo i will send you the pic on tuesady when i get them you will no what they are mate
  34. forby3

    2 New Ones For Star4 To Name

  35. forby3

    Name This Fish Only Seen Them Once

    tank on there own m8
  36. forby3

    New Geo Surinamensis Breeding Trio

    very nice fish mate .... stunning