Channa Asiatica 3"


Fish Herder
Mar 8, 2009
Reaction score
Channa asiatica
can i keep one of these with my oscars there around 3-4 " themselves
or will i be setting its own tank up
Worth a try if they are the same size IMO, just give them plenty of cover to retreat to if either one does start to get aggressive. Floating plants or decor higher up the tank might be appreciated by the snakehead
well its arriving tomorrow so just needed to know where to put him my tanks a fair size and everything in it it smallish 300l
4 x small oscars
1 green terror
2 x red shoulder sevrums
2 x green sevs and thats it
Whilst its young you should be ok, but once it and the likes of the terror matures you might have to rethink the stocking
no probs will add some photos tomorrow but i have enough tanks to separate just incase

cheers davo86
I kept a couple of Asciata a couple of years ago, I;m sure they were sub tropical and I also recall they were the most secretive channa I kept and extremely aggressive between themselves. I persona;;y wouldn;t mix them with your fish believeing channa like that more suited to species only

I kept mine in my pond during the summer along with my channa pulchra and they were fine in their!
so you suggest its own tank then
i think nelly has kept these where has he gone
I would like most Channa to be fair
when I;ve had subtropical channa in warmer water they don;t look too healthy
Not sure Nelly had these ones?

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