Are These Compatible?


Fish Herder
Jan 22, 2011
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Just wondering if these fish were compatible with each other:
Female Bettas
Tiger Barbs

Wasn't planning on keeping them ALL in my tank at once, since it's only 64L, but once some pass away I'd be interested in getting some guppies/endlers/tiger barbs.
Thank you!
i'd rule out barbs mollies and swords cause IMO they need a bigger tank.

guppies/endlers can be a bit of a hit and miss with bettas.

i have a tank the same size that i stocked with female bettas, platies and cories in the past and they all got on fine :good:
i'd rule out barbs mollies and swords cause IMO they need a bigger tank.

guppies/endlers can be a bit of a hit and miss with bettas.

i have a tank the same size that i stocked with female bettas, platies and cories in the past and they all got on fine :good:

Okay :)
My mollies and swords seem to be doing really well in my 30L. They love rooting around by all the plants and in the lava rock at the bottom and really like it when the microwave is on for some strange reason! :lol:
But they'll be moving to my 64L as soon as it's set up, and I hope that'll make them even happier, even if they do miss their beloved microwave! :lol:
since you already have them then i would add them instead of platies :good:

Is that because then they'd have more space or because they don't get on? :)
Because all the fish I currently have [platies, mollies, swords, neons and a female betta] get on really well :D
endlers and guppies are not a got mix you will end up with a lot of hybrid fish mate
yes to give them more space, how many of each fish do you currently have? and what sex are the livebearers?

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