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  1. C

    Do your fish yawn?

    I'm now sat here making fish faces! :rofl:
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    panic !

    Don't be too hasty at thinking the worst has happened...... my fish are great at hiding for ages! Especially my Clown Loach but unfortuanately he died of a nasty case of whitespot that he couldn't hide from. :rip:
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    I am so wierd

    I have problems with female guppies! They always seem to die for no apparent reason!
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    Blimey That's Pricey!

    I don't know.... the Isle of Wight is so far behind with wages we still get pennies & shillings!
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    Milky Water!

    Thanks for your help.... i'll bear that in mind and have a look around for some finer sand. hopefully that will cure the problem! My little 12g is fine with the sand and it's fluval 2 but those fish are only little and don't really create any mess at all! Piranha's Oscars Plecs i suppose are a...
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    Milky Water!

    We've got sand in all our tanks.... i think it looks nicer!!!! My husband sorts out the filteration though.... i'm only allowed to be in charge of water!
  7. C

    Do your fish yawn?

    :rofl: so we're allowed to suck up their poo but it's an invasion of privicy to watch them yawn! My Oscar turns the other way when he yawns and hides behind the bogwood to poo!
  8. C

    Milky Water!

    OMG new tank syndrome! I had a gut full of that when i started them up! Here we go again then! I will add though that the largest of the tanks has had it's new filter for about 3 months now but that's still got milky! Could this be Bacteria Bloom? I read something about this subject a long...
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    Milky Water!

    Not over sure.... my husband did it! I had a fluval 4 in the smaller of the two tanks which he's kept in there for the time being. I really think we should have got some advice on here before changing them to be honest! Changing from internal to external isn't easy from what i've heard in the...
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    Milky Water!

    My two larges tanks are really bugging me at the moment! It looks like i've gone and tipped a gallon of milk in each one! I've added filter aid and i'm doing 20% wc's daily. My question is.... what causes this and is there anything else i should be doing to help the situation? I've recently got...
  11. C

    Melafix for Whitespot?

    oh..... OOOOPS! :rolleyes:
  12. C

    Melafix for Whitespot?

    I found that melafix does nothing for whitespot. I usually just use the normal whitespot treatments and do regular 10% wc's. I add melafix also just in case there's anything more ominous in the tank (it also makes the tank smell nice) Having said that, with my experience with whitespot i'm not...
  13. C

    Do your fish yawn?

    Hehe My Oscar yawns..... with a mouth the size of his it looks really funny! I'm sure if he tried he could probably swallow the bogwood in his tank! :o
  14. C

    Blimey That's Pricey!

    To be quite honest i think it's just this country that's over priced. Prices are going up on everything but wages don't keep up! Oh what it is to be british! :S
  15. C

    Blimey That's Pricey!

    They're not at all rare over here.... they're in nearly every lfs around here! the one i've got (my lil georgeous) was only £4.50. For £12.99 i'd expect it to be Gold-Plated!
  16. C

    Blimey That's Pricey!

    Hi all..... I've gotta say this.... i went into my lfs today to look at the fish (as you do) i was absolutely gobsmacked to see that they're Albino Tiger Oscars had gone up in price.... i don't mean a little bit i mean from £7.99 to £12.99! :o (Bearing in mind they're only babies) Is it just...
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    show your oscar off

    :rofl: Messed that up good & proper didn't i! Lets try that again! here's the RBP's
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    show your oscar off

    Also in the tank next to wozzy is my Red-Bellied Piranhas! Wozzy sits and stares at them all day! lol
  19. C

    show your oscar off

    Aaaaaw theres some great pictures there! Here's mine! Name: Wozzy Age: 6 Months Type: Albino Tiger Size: 6 Inches
  20. C

    Seen a celebrity/famous person in a fish shop?

    Well!!!!!! I've seen my husband in my lfs on numerous occasions & he's a star in my eyes! :wub: Kaz x-x-x-x-x
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    snails, and aggressive shark

    That's the theory anyway! I had a tank over run with snails & put a lettuce leaf in, they won't all go to it but if you keep it up over a period of time they will slowly die down a bit. Be careful as snails breed like wild fire. My tank eventually got so out of control that i had to totally...
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    Ugliest Fish You Ever Loved!

    Nooooooooo Raphaels are beautiful! :wub:
  23. C

    Cleaning hospital tank

    I had a similar problem a while back.... I cleared the tank, boiled all the ornaments, blitzed the filter etc & put fresh sand in & re-cycled the tank. But then again i'm not sure it was only ich in my tank.... all my fish died a sad death in a short space of time, i know there was ich in the...
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    platy death

    I don't think there's much hope for your fish with the injuries you have described. I noticed you posted this topic a while ago now.... not sure how she's doing now but if i were you i'd put her out of her misery in the nicest possible way... ie: clove oil or other means that you feel are right...
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    Just got driftwood today

    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: That sounds like the jibberish i normally come out with!
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    Just got driftwood today

    Coooooooo that would look lovely in my garden! ;)
  27. C

    Spotted Raphael Golf Ball!

    I've got a Homer Simpson Raphael? OMG that means i'm gonna have 2 re-name all of them now! I suppose the smallest will have to be Santas Little Helper! :D
  28. C

    Spotted Raphael Golf Ball!

    Hi all, My largest Spotted Raphael is now about 8 months old and was doing really well until about a month ago when i noticed he was getting rather on the fat side. Since then i haven't really seen all that much of him as he hides behind the filter and won't come out til after bed time! I have...
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    Is My Sister overstocked?

    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: VERY GOOD! I should have put more thought into that title really shouldn't i!
  30. C

    Is My Sister overstocked?

    Riiiiiiite! I'm gonna be calling her again 2nite. I'm determined to try to help her sort her tank out! I'm sure she'll enjoy looking at her fish if she could actually see each one & not just a streaking blaze of colour swishing aroud the tank. About time she realised that they are cramped! To...
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    UK MEET 26.03.05

  32. C

    new sig

    :wizard: :hooray: I can't suss out how to get that sort of sig yet...... i'm just stuck with my fish as a sig :unsure:
  33. C

    Is My Sister overstocked?

    lol her focal point in the tank is her fluval 3! She's got more plants than the African rainforest but as i said.... i'm the younger sister, as far as she's concerned she's 'Older & Wiser' than me! I talked to her last night on the phone about it again, she want's to ger herself a 'Jewel 240' i...
  34. C

    Moving House!

    That's not a bad idea! :rofl: I'll get them to follow the boat & avoid the currant! Go on my Piranha...... swim with the white horses! Sorry, just woke up & feeling slightly nutty! tehe Kaz x-x-x-x-x
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    Moving House!

    lol with all the movement!
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    Moving House!

    lol that's what i thought!
  37. C

    Name a real cute fish.

    Thanx..... I'm vERY fussy! :wub: :whistle: :*
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    UK MEET 26.03.05

    :( :X
  39. C

    Name a real cute fish.

    Do'h Done it again! I'm really sorry :crazy: :-( :whistle: