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  1. C

    AGH! tank has gone mental after water change!!!

    ok, done a 50%water change, got rid of the rotten plants and now have a nice algae free tank with some now happy fishes in. i will take a reading tomorrow and continue water changes if needed, my piranha likes the new space i have provided him and is swimming around more than ever, plus he's...
  2. C

    AGH! tank has gone mental after water change!!!

    shpuld i remove my plants? they look a little rotten... some of the leaves have died, they were brown when i got them, or had patches of brown, now they are fibrous :unsure:
  3. C

    AGH! tank has gone mental after water change!!!

    how can i cycle the tank if im doing water changes? will this not keep preventing the neccessary cycle? should i not let it cycle and hope they live?
  4. C

    AGH! tank has gone mental after water change!!!

    if i have kille doff the bacteria by any chance, if i do another water change will i not be back to square one again in a week, or should i just wait it out until it finishes cycling again :/ **hunts for posts on new tank syndrome**
  5. C

    AGH! tank has gone mental after water change!!!

    I did a partial water change the other day, and topped it up nicely. for about 2 days the water conditions were stable and the fish looked very happy. however, i tested today after the water smelt funny, i have green strands of algae all over my sand and plants, as if its bloomed overnight! i...
  6. C

    Might be replacing my filter

    if you write tot hem with recorded delivery they cannot ignore your requests... just make ap oint of saying you will tell everyone you know how bad they are and that you are part of an online community they cant afford that sort of bad publicity
  7. C

    constant aquarium supply of worms?

    Is there any type of worm that can be introduced into an aquarium so that the multiply daily/weekly to ammounts that could keep on breeding for years? so, constantly supplying my fishw ith a supply of worms to eat? Or is this just not possible?
  8. C

    pink algae?

    My father-in-law showed me his marine tank today, he has some sort of pink blanket over everything, even the substrate, not just the old coral in there. any ideas? i'm not a marine person so i dont know anything on the subject! thanks
  9. C

    Lol! One way to piss of your fish!

    when i first saw the link on the main bit of the site, it suggested fish lasers as in attatching lasers to the fish lol that would be amusing, fish playing lazerquest all day, with a scoreboard :D
  10. C

    Sand In Your Tropical Fish Aquarium

    probably the food trapped in your gravel before you added the sand.. remeber its now locked in any nitrate forming, you could get a sudden burst, like an oil field, killing your fish
  11. C

    why do tanks cost so much?

    sounds like my car.... ..although that was a lot more expensive, but put together with the same technique -_-
  12. C

    Lol! One way to piss of your fish!

    It doesn't need a scientist to work it out mate, its quite simply bull####!! thanks Dr.VonBull####spotter
  13. C

    why do tanks cost so much?

    nah that tank comes with a cheap internal filter and i dont have lighting cos its piranhas i keep so theres no need for it (they like dark shade) I use an uplighting lap that has an attachment on it, pointing into the water, gives a nice effect my setup cost 30gallon tank a1 condition, £10...
  14. C

    Lol! One way to piss of your fish!

    trading standards may wanna take a look
  15. C

    why do tanks cost so much?

    I got my 30 gallon for £10 from the recycling centre, so I'm happy, but why do say 180's cost £400? and up... its just glass!
  16. C

    Lol! One way to piss of your fish!
  17. C

    Where can you post pics?

    If you hit the user gallery link at the top of the page theres a hpto gallery you lot use, i noticed
  18. C

    My new red belly piranha

    they are tropical mate, when your tanks cycled drop a few in your tank, they'l soon dispose of the goldfish :D
  19. C

    getting images in my sig?

    nope doesn't/ i wonder if its because im using a temperary no registration host that uploads? wierd.... getting it on my isp hosts shortly, bit of a pain
  20. C

    getting images in my sig?

    the image i add is concealed and you have to right click to open it/?
  21. C

    Finally got my piranha!

    see him at
  22. C

    Where can you post pics?

    this forum doesn't allow attachments, so what part of the site allows me to upload a pic for people to see of my new piranha?? I know mods can turn the feature on, but they havent in here for some reason...
  23. C

    buying fish online - mail order UK

    wow what a crappy site. I found a wicked site, really well done, a bit like the koi one ive seen, but i cant find it argh! it had loads of pics etc. and then hit your basket and go
  24. C

    buying fish online - mail order UK

    can someone give me a link to a uk site, i had a bookmark but its gone, 30 minutes of googling im going nuts! anyone?? :crazy: uk only
  25. C

    My new red belly piranha

    jack the nipper
  26. P3010053.jpg


  27. C

    Finally got my piranha!

    yeah, buck tooth tetras were on my original list together with an armoured catfish... however, I went in the fish shop for some plants and couldn't resist him! couldnt believe it when he bit the bag twice, i was in awe! going to drop in some small tetras for friends, we'll see if they piss him...
  28. C

    Finally got my piranha!

    finally, it works.. wehay! theres my new buddy above :) And how can you regret owning such a cool dude, they even get better with age, stunning when large, I've wanted one for ages B)
  29. C

    Finally got my piranha!

    grrr this is doing my head in, why wont it add an image??? if you right click and go to view image it does display, ive also put the pic url underneath i try and add an image and it just says 'user has added image'
  30. C

    Finally got my piranha!

    right click it mate and click view image for some reason it wont display like a normal pic :/
  31. C

    Finally got my piranha!

    Welcome.... JACK! <img src="">
  32. C

    Finally got my piranha!

    Red belly... hes about 2 inches long lovely to look at, lovely red belly :thumbs: great set of mini teeth on him also :clap:
  33. C

    Finally got my piranha!

    I'll get some pics up later of Jack, my new piranha Jack, as in "i'm alright jack" .... or jack the nipper, as my father inlaw refers to him! He almost killed himself though by biting the transprtation a bags... twice! and the shop keepers finger :D
  34. C

    Best excuse for a new fish

    Just keep a quiet log of all the missus buys thats totally just for her... like skirts, underwear, those chocolates or books on low carb meals etc. then just remind her of them, after you have come back fromt he fish shop Always works, they always spend more than us, but in smaller quanitites...
  35. C

    Where does chlorine go?

    Ok, I think the forum's swaying towards the use of them then. I have purchased a tub last night for 200 gallons, should keep me going.
  36. C

    mail-order plants?

    A governing body you can complain to about them, who go round and give em some stick
  37. C

    would this filter be ok?

    well you cant keep them in groups less than 12, otherwise they kill each other within weeks, however, im told i will probably end up with just 7 or 8 by the time they're adults, but happily storming around the tank. i can't ever house 8 piranhas, so this is the next best thing, for me anyway :)...
  38. C

    Where does chlorine go?

    I have looked on the web, they suggest just leaving the water in a warm place in direct sunlight will eventually release the chlorine. this suggests to me then that cycling a tank for three weeks would have released quite enough of the chlorine (not that there was much in the water anyway)...
  39. C

    Instant cycle products....

    its ont eh shelf mate, or if you're lucky and they have some in the fridge, then you could have a source for 'the good stuff'. Obviously a shelf bottle in the fridge is no good! :rofl: as for a tub of ammonia left out, no. there is no dilution, the concentration is too high for anything to...