Finally got my piranha!


Fish Fanatic
Feb 8, 2005
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I'll get some pics up later of Jack, my new piranha

Jack, as in "i'm alright jack"

.... or jack the nipper, as my father inlaw refers to him!

He almost killed himself though by biting the transprtation a bags... twice! and the shop keepers finger :D
Red belly... hes about 2 inches long

lovely to look at, lovely red belly :thumbs: great set of mini teeth on him also :clap:
You should get three or more P. nattereri. A sole nat will be somewhat boring. Two will be in constant battle for supremecy and three will even out the aggression towards one another. You could safely keep (3) of these red-belly piranha in a 55 for the duration of their lives.




<img src="">
right click it mate and click view image

for some reason it wont display like a normal pic :/
are you sure it isnt a red belly pacu? I have never herd of a red bellied paranah before.
Yes, red bellied parhnas do exist. However they are illegal to import into the US, and are very rarely if ever seen. Getting that fish will proabbly be regretful, as they are not pleasent fish to keep. Oh ya good luck cleaning your tank :p

The pic doesnt work by the way, i have a feeling that someone tricked you and its a red bellied pacu. Since juvenile parahnas look nothing like adult ones. But well see when you fix the pic.
grrr this is doing my head in, why wont it add an image???

if you right click and go to view image it does display, ive also put the pic url underneath

i try and add an image and it just says 'user has added image'
finally, it works.. wehay!

theres my new buddy above :)

And how can you regret owning such a cool dude, they even get better with age, stunning when large, I've wanted one for ages

Jack the Nipper, that was brilliant.

RBP's are quite interesting, although I dont see why you would want to keep them. They would be stunning in a large "pack" of 12, but with just 1-5 they are like normal fish. They are afraid, super messy, and dont hunt like most people think.

If you want a neat Piranha, try a Rhom.

IMO, Piranhas should be kept in atleast 100g tanks :sly: Anything smaller and they become inactive and afriad.

If you want a cool fish that can be kept with P's, or just a cool viscious fish in general, try Jagged Tooth Tetras, aka Exodons.

yeah, buck tooth tetras were on my original list together with an armoured catfish... however, I went in the fish shop for some plants and couldn't resist him!

couldnt believe it when he bit the bag twice, i was in awe!

going to drop in some small tetras for friends, we'll see if they piss him off and see how long they last.. there's risk they could hurt him at this size though if they were buck tooth (exodons)

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