Lol! One way to piss of your fish!

How do people get away with advertising ####e like this!!
Miracle Beam "Increases the life span of your fish"??? :no:
I have these, the spot lights and the lasers and my fish dont care about them. They dont bother the fish and the fish dont try ripping them apart.

Look good when done properly but quite expensive.
I don't get how it makes your fish live longer and how it makes their fins grow. :dunno: does it purify your water? :dunno:
One_Trick_Pony said:
yeah there must be a scientist on here hat could answer those very questions, either way
It doesn't need a scientist to work it out mate, its quite simply bull####!!

Funny.....I thought lasers can hurt YOUR EYES! DOH! We have to wear goggles in the OR. DUH. Waste of money unless you want your fish to need Lasik. lol SH
Im sure they covered their back sides with logic such as this... If your tank has X disease, the laser might kill it, which would in turn make your fish live longer, and if your fish is a baby angel fish then it will make it's fins grow longer by allowing it to survive longer...

Marketing scams like this have always existed and always will. It's sort of like survival of the fittest... the dumber ya are the more you waste your money on false claims.

Not to say someone would have to be dumb to buy such a thing. Personally I think it would be really cool to make a smaller (15-20 US Gal) aquarium a retro 70s theme with laser lights and a disco ball :p
o my bag sry thats an incide joske anyways like come on how do they get away with that stuff ..... imagine if it actually worked :rofl:
i feel sorry for the people that are stupid enough to actually believe it

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