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  1. richchappy

    Rip Mr Cory

    Sad to say that my cory that had popeye has now passed away, i found him this morning, it is the first fish i have lost and i thought i would say thankyou to all of you that helped. :sad: :-( :rip: Rich
  2. richchappy

    Abino Plattys

    Has anyone ever seen these in shops as i saw one in this book and i thought they were amazing any ideas Rich
  3. richchappy

    Odd One Out.

    well you feel protective to fry, glad the rebles ok
  4. richchappy

    How Do You Pronounce It?

    Platy plat-eee Pleco Plec- oh Synodontis Sin odd on tis Bichir birch eer Cichlid sick-lid Corydoras Coor ee door us
  5. richchappy

    Thanks To Everyone Here!

    Yes thank you for helping me too.... lol Im now sending everyone a virtual hug lol
  6. richchappy


    looks quite good, easyer to measure aswell
  7. richchappy

    Redgold Tigersnakeskin Show Only \(^o^)/

    Very impressive fish, love the guppy on the website
  8. richchappy

    Fish/reptile Room Project

    lol, have a christmas party and ask for a hand lol
  9. richchappy

    125l Tank

    ok then, looking forward to it, got all the stuff i need for the fishless cycle, just got to get the tank and some decorations and sand and plants I LOVE CHRISTMAS YAY Rich
  10. richchappy

    I Have No Clue Where This Should Go.

    ok, erm yay lol are you using it for lobsters to eat
  11. richchappy

    Something To Finish Off My Tank

    maby another type of tetra, or some dwarf gourmis depending on size of tank not sure about gourmi compatability tho
  12. richchappy


    Is anyone on here playing on it, im very sad and keep going on, very addictive lol Rich
  13. richchappy

    Fish/reptile Room Project

    Looking good.... cant wait too see it with fish etc in there, Good luck :good:
  14. richchappy

    125l Tank

    ok for xmas im getting a bigger tank and having my old small one as a breeder/ quaratine tank.. The new one is 125l and is this stocking ok 4 x Bronze corys need 2 4 x albino Corys need 2 6 x Guppys – Need 3 3 x Platties - Got 6 x Neon tetra – need 2 4 x Danios – Need 4 1 x apple snail
  15. richchappy

    Feeding Time With A Pleco Tablet

    :kewlpics: Very good quality :clap:
  16. richchappy

    The Absolute Beginner's First Stop

    maby do a day buy day guide, day one buy and fill tank day 14 add fish etc
  17. richchappy

    Baby Fishy

    you will see them get fatter, and eggs are just round
  18. richchappy

    Help Me Dicide

    get some corys
  19. richchappy

    What The

    swordtails mollys or endlers, if they are very small then probably endlers,
  20. richchappy

    Angel Compatability,

    We have an aqua 120 tank and my mum wanted to know if she could put angle fish in there. Its 120cm wide about 70cam tall and50cm deep, in it we have, 6 dwarf gouramis, 2 algea eaters, 4 sword tails, 3 guppys, i siamese fighter,2 corys, a few lrager tetra cant remember species. I know that the...
  21. richchappy

    Omg I Got A 4ft Allready

    maby a shoal of small fish depending on capatability
  22. richchappy

    Dawn, Midnight... And.... Who Is This?

    Sun set erm Betty
  23. richchappy

    Some Piccys

    Well its my mums tank so i have no input and she sometimes listens but half the time goes out and randomly buys stuff so it is badly stocked but it seems ok
  24. richchappy

    Yay Fry Im So Proud!

    got even more now about 21, glad im getting a new tank for xmas as this is well overstocked now
  25. richchappy

    Fish Comps

    Could we have mini comps for each species ones every few months or somthing. So take a picture and mods rate it, good idea ornot?
  26. richchappy

    Yay Fry Im So Proud!

    just found another 2 hiding so there are 12 now, ithink seem happy and other fish are not bothering with them thank fully, feeding them crushed flake and they seem to be eating it, a few brave ones make the dart across the tank lol
  27. richchappy

    Some Piccys

    with some of them, i just keep practicing and i get more better ones each time, but it has a slow shutter speed aswell so can be tricky
  28. richchappy

    Some Piccys

    ye i read that but 3/4 are still rubbish, dogey camera man
  29. richchappy

    My New 180l Tank

    really like the layout of the rocks very nice,
  30. richchappy

    Some Piccys

    i took nearly 500 pics and had about 20 good ones lol
  31. richchappy

    Some Piccys

    Here are a load of pics that i have took Chocolate gourami a bit pale Turquoise Kissing gourami The red line torpeado barb :hyper: Betta Enjoy and tell us what you think Rich
  32. richchappy

    May Have Popeye

    erm he is no worse and may be a bit better on the popeye side of things but it looks like he may have bacteria still as there is some bleeched bits on the tip of his tail along with other corys, also one of my pattys looks like it has popeye but im still treating it
  33. richchappy

    Yay Fry Im So Proud!

    I have just found 9 fry in my tank and its the first batch i have had(well my fish had them but you know lol) anyway they are soo cute :wub: but i dont know what fish they are. i have Platties Guppys and swordtails and they all look like they were pregnant so i will see what they are when they...
  34. richchappy

    How Old Are You, And How Long Have You Been Fish Keeping?

    im 15 now and had mine for 2 months, sound like some of you did it to rebel against not being allowd as kids lol Rich
  35. richchappy

    How To Clean My Old 10g Tank For Use? Proper Set Up?

    Just make sure it is really out the reach of the kid as my mum was saying as i got able to walk a bit i was climbing up loads of stuff and knocking stuff over, also if you were to put it out the way on a shelf make sure its strong enough, sorry if you have already thought about this im not...
  36. richchappy

    Fish Welfare Charity - Followup

    sounds a great idea good luck
  37. richchappy

    Is It Fungus

    thanks for the help
  38. richchappy

    Is It Fungus

    well i have had no deaths so far and i thought i was luck but maby the fish gods are getting revenge for my lucky start
  39. richchappy

    How To Clean My Old 10g Tank For Use? Proper Set Up?

    sounds good maby you will find its a new learning thing and he is amazing ly smart and all because of fish lol, erm you could also try a betta and a couple of corys