May Have Popeye


Nov 4, 2006
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Burton on trent, Near Derby UK
I am a bit worryed about one of my corys and on of his eyes is slightly bulging, i think it may be early popeye but not 100 percent, is there a treatment that i could give him to make sure he is ok but it will not halm him if he dosent actually have popeye or am i best to wait...

Clean water is the #1. Test the water, vacum the substrate, make sure the water and substrate quality is A-#1. Then treat with PimaFix and MelaFix--just follow the directions on the bottles. Caught early it should take care of it.
As said, clean water is a must, I use interpet anti internal for popeye, had an otto with it and it was really bad, but it got better and you could never have beleived how far out it was
So it begs the question, where are you, as available meds differ by countries? I recommended Pima/MelaFixs because they are widely available and are the mildest and a natural remedy that will usually work in mild cases.
I have been given OCTOZIN, i sent my mum out to get mela and prima but she came back with this, the guy in the store said this is more likely to work, i have put some in but im not very happy, has anyone every used this as the popey looks worse now
What does the label say it treats?

You could try a Mardel product.

At this point I would recommend you go to the emergency forum. Our best is consultatant is missing, Inchworm our mod.

Popeye is a bacterial infection. It usually is caused by dirty water or unvacumed substrate that contaminates the water or bad stocking, which comes back to the water and stress. Do test your water at the lps if necessary.

Again if it is getting worse, go to the emergency forum. The bacteria will get more viralent if it is not stopped. Continue the treatments until you gewt more advice.
It might work, heres some details of the med. Personally I would take it back and ger some Interpet anti internal meds as I know it works, but I think this could do, give it a go :)
When my cory developed popeye I tested the water and realized that my numbers were high since I was being lax and not doing water changes like I should. :blush: I'm not saying you are doing the same thing but it is a good reminder for people who raise corys, especially when they notice their barbells are getting a little short. I tried treating with Mardel Maracyn-Two but unfortunately it didn't work.

As I've heard, "fish keeping is really just good water keeping".
I am just going to assume that richchappy is in the UK. So you should go with the meds recommended by Paulf. Yes I have not always had total success with Mardel especially when a virulent bacteria is present. It is also extremely expensive. But the biggest drawback in the UK is that I don't believe it is available. :lol: Interpret seems to be the one I see recommended in the UK most often.

At all times keep the water very very clean. It reduces the bacterial load. Popeye is universally thought to be the result of poor water conditions. Good water is the most important aspect of fish keeping. Your Cory will have his best chance of recovery by his own immune system given good conditions.
well it dosent seem to be getting worse and it may be a little bit better, so i have 1 day left of this treatment then i have to change the water so looks like he may pull through,
erm he is no worse and may be a bit better on the popeye side of things but it looks like he may have bacteria still as there is some bleeched bits on the tip of his tail along with other corys, also one of my pattys looks like it has popeye but im still treating it

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