Search results

  1. R

    Coconut Shells

    Great Reply, :D :D What perhaps I should have said was do you need to boil them clean, scrub them clean, Leave to them soak for a hundred years???? Rich
  2. R

    Coconut Shells

    Hi All, M local LFS have some coconut shell hideaways for fish in stock, they would be ideal for the kuhli Loach I am going to add to my tank. However they are quite expensive at around £5 or £6 each. Does anyone know what you would need to do to make your own? Thanks, Rich
  3. R

    A Newbie

    Hi, Welcome to the forum, :hi: you will be amazed at the knowledge available here. Rich
  4. R

    I Need Cured,ginned Spanish Moss.where To Buy?

    Hi Mate, This is kind of the wrong area for this post. You could try the 'Buy,Sell & Swap' area or maybe the 'Tropical Chit Chat' area and see if you get any replies there. Rich
  5. R

    Cheesiest Tank Award

    Hi All, I didnt think this topic would produce so much interest. Anyway just to keep you updated sponge bob and friends are no longer alone my friend put 6 Neon Tetra's in the tank last night. He is going to wait a week and then add another 6. That will be it for his neons then. Rich
  6. R

    New To Tff

    Hi Pyro, It sounds like you must be an expert already with that many tanks. Perhaps I should be asking you for advice. :) Welcome to the forum . rich
  7. R


    Hi, Welcome to the Forum. :hi: Rich
  8. R

    Barbs And Tetras

    Hi All, I was wondering if Cherry Barbs would live alongside Neon Tetras, Glowlight Tetras, Black Tetras and Kuhli Loach. Rich :)
  9. R

    Decision Time

    Hi, The thing is I have cash on the hip and buying from my LFS seems the most logical thing to do. Rich
  10. R

    Decision Time

    Hi All, Heres one for you. I am in a dilemma as to what to purchase with £75. I would like to purchase a small quarantine tank. My local lfs has a complete setup which would cost about £55, I think the tank size was 28 Litres and I think it was a set up from 'Aqua One' I personally think...
  11. R

    Tank Backings

    Hi, My LFS have those 3d backgrounds in and they look really good but they are quite expensive. They appear to be made out of some kind of sponge material. Rich
  12. R

    Cheesiest Tank Award

    That brings back memories, do you remember 'Jamie and the magic torch' Rich :)
  13. R

    If You Live In The Uk

    shoeburyness, Essex
  14. R

    Processor On Ebay

    Processor has now been sold. :)
  15. R

    Hello Newbie Here

    Hi There, Welcome to the forum. :hi: Rich
  16. R


    Hi, Welcome to the forum. :hi: Rich
  17. R

    Ready At Last!

    Hi, Welcome to the forum. :hi: Rich
  18. R

    What Calssification?

    Brilliant thanks both. Rich :)
  19. R


    Hi, I thought that UV light was harmful to fish and plants. Not sure but it might be worth checking before you do this. :/ Rich
  20. R

    What Calssification?

    Hi All, What classification in the Fish Index, would Kuhli / Coolie loach come under. Thanks, Rich
  21. R

    Cheesiest Tank Award

    Anyone remember Count Duckula, with Nanny, didnt she always have a broken wing/arm and Trap Door, with the talking skull. LOL :lol:
  22. R

    Hey All

    Hi Ant, Welcome to the forum. :hi: Rich
  23. R

    Cheesiest Tank Award

    I think I remember the racoons, was one of them called 'Burt' and they had a green guy I think that had a nephew that was totally different to him. Or am I thinking of something totally different. :blush: Rich
  24. R

    New Guy From South Africa

    Hi, Welcome to the forum. :hi: You are not wrong there, there is so much info to be had and to share on this forum it's amazing. Have Fun, Rich
  25. R

    Family Section

    Sounds like a good idea to me too. :)
  26. R

    Cheesiest Tank Award

    Sorry, but who are Sharky and George??? :/
  27. R

    Fish Inches

    Hi, Thanks all. That has made it a lot easier to understand now. Rich :D
  28. R


    Hi Janette, This forum is amazing, there is so much knowledge and experience just waiting to be got at. Everone is really friendly and helpful. I hope you enjoy it. Rich :)
  29. R

    Hello Fish Fans, Newbie Here

    Hi Kate, welcome to the forum, I have been here a few weeks now and you would be amazed at the amount of knowledge and experience on this forum. I have learnt so much since being on here and asking questions and everyone is so nice. No question is ever a problem even if you, personally, think...
  30. R

    Cheesiest Tank Award

    His kids got them from a Local branch of 'pets are dead', oops sorry I meant 'pets at home' :)
  31. R

    Cheesiest Tank Award

    It very nearly was, but decided against it at the last moment. Mind you it is better than some of the tanks I have seen, The spongebob figures are what his kids bought him for Fathers Day, So he did not really have any choice. There are no fish in there yet as he is still cycling the tank. Rich
  32. R

    Cheesiest Tank Award

    Hi, As someone suggested earlier here is my friends tank. He has given permission for these photos to be used. Enjoy That's got the ball rolling. Regards, Richard
  33. R

    Tank Ornaments

    I dare you :D :D
  34. R

    Filter Advice

    Hi All, I am in a bit of a dilemma. I don't know which external filter to get for my tank. I have a Fluval deep 800 tank which is approx 27.5 UK Gallons/126 litres. I know that the Fluval 305 filter is man enough for the tank I have,however I have read some posts on this site about leaking...
  35. R

    Fish Inches

    Hi All, I have just discovered that with a 27.5 UK gallon tank I can have 55 Fish Inches. Does this mean that if I purchase fish that are 1" long I can have 55 of them? Have I got this right? Rich
  36. R

    Neon Tetra Upside Down!

    Hi There. Sorry to push in, but what vegetables should Tetras be eating? Rich
  37. R

    Which Make Of Tank?

    I bought a Fluval 800 Deep. Good Price. Good Tank, In my opinion. :)
  38. R

    Orangey Blobs Coming Out On Cycling Tanks Rocks...?

    Hi, It looks like something leaching out of the stone to me. how long have they been in there? Rich
  39. R

    Slate Caves Part 2

    I agree that look's awsome. Somewhat grander than my own attempts, but we all gotta start somewhere.
  40. R


    Hi Dwarfgourami, Thanks for the reply. I was going to try and get at least 6 or 7 of each the following: Neon Tetra, Black Neon Tetra, Lemon tetra and possibly Bleeding Heart tetras. I would also lke some bottom dwellers. Could you recommend anything that will be O.K with all these tetras...