Tank Ornaments


Jun 5, 2006
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Hi All,

I was just wondeirng what peoples opinions are with regards to Tank Ornaments. I was not going to put any into my tank, then decided to build my own slate caves, which IMO looked really good. I did post pics on this forum and got some nice reviews back so I was well pleased with that. However at the weekend Iwas in my LFS and saw a shipwreck, I know they are a bit tacky but this one I personally think is really nice and would look good in the tank, although I haven't purchsed it yet, probably tonight.

I was just wondering what other peoples opinions and thoughts were? :)


ive got a house brick in my smaller tank has 3 large holes through it for hiding places
Well thats different

Everybody goes through the stage of adding various ship wrecks no fishing signs and deep sea divers but soon think that there not very good and go with the natural look again so my advise would be give t he ship a wide berth
nah it's totally down to personal preference, if you like it do it.

Yes the majority of really stunning looking tanks you see are natural look, but once in a while you get someone with ornaments who makes it look really good. A lot of them are tacky and nasty, but once in a while you get something really nice.

And if it doesn't work or you change your mind about it then take it out, no harm done is there.
Personal choice and taste. If you like it and it rocks your boat, put it in. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks at the end of the day. :)
i have an anchor in my tank and my tiger barbs love it they swim round it, threw the hole at the top of it al the time

also i have a cave for my rtbs which he loves
think about the fish when decorating a tank :) and keep it natural thats my 2 pence worth :) no to the ship wreck :lol:
Be wary of some tank ornements though- i have seen a lot of tank ornements that fish could easily get stuck in, or ornements with sharp hard plastic leaves which would make short work of some of the fancy varieties of fish (bettas and fancy goldfish seem to be prone to getting their fins ripped by unsuitable ornements or damaged in other ways).
If you want new substrate, you should also take your fishes needs into consideration too- many gravel substrates are unsuitable for fish like corys who forage around in the substrate with their whiskers/barbels, sharp gravel can hurt their barbels. Corys are also designed to filter substrate through their gills, so sand is really the best for them.
Some fish and critters like frogs and goldfish can also swallow gravel if it isn't the right size.
There are a lot of fish out there that spend a lot of their time dwelling in caves and under objects, so if you have anything like plecs or khuli loaches for example you should offer them suitable cover throughout the day with your tank decor :nod: .
I have never seen a tank with ornaments that wasn't absolutely awful looking. But them Im quite particular about tanks looking as natural as possible. I like to think of them as having a slice of nature in my front room, so having a neon skull or fairground wheel in there doesnt really appeal.
Its all a personal preferance.

But a fully planted tank with bog wood and natural looking for me is the best looking thing around.

A tank filled with blue red yellow bands of gravel with marbles and a multi coloured a castle looks a bit chavy

click on this link to see what i mean Great fish decor :)
God i hate plastic divers!!! :sly:
It's down to personal preference, so each to there own! :p
It's the natural look all the way for me.
The guy over the road has a plastic diver, a plastic minature spongebob squarpants ,A green skeleton thing in a barrel, a ship wreck and floating fake jellyfish!!!!

Oh yeh and said if he'd had the room he would have added a submarine.

God i hate plastic divers!!! :sly:
It's down to personal preference, so each to there own! :p
It's the natural look all the way for me.
The guy over the road has a plastic diver, a plastic minature spongebob squarpants ,A green skeleton thing in a barrel, a ship wreck and floating fake jellyfish!!!!

Oh yeh and said if he'd had the room he would have added a submarine.

God almighty that sounds horrendous :lol: . Du reckon you could get a crafty pic for us :hey: ? I reckon we should have a cheesiest tank award. Go out on to the web and find the loudest, naffest tank / ornaments possible. (Obviously dont link to someone from this forum, dont want to upset anyone, other forums are fair game thou!)

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