Search results

  1. L

    Coconut Shells

    Thanks,the Idea was to get some java moss and grow it on ithe shells. My LFS has said thaey are willing to let me sell them there. I was wanting to be idle and have em precleaned and the coir off as well so all i had to do was the soaking! will have a look at the DIY section. Mikk
  2. L

    Coconut Shells

    Hi all! Does anyone on here use coconut shells for caves in their tank,if so does anyone know where I could buy some from? Mikk
  3. L

    aqua one all in one aquariums

    Ive had mine about 6 months and its far superior to Jewel tanks in my opinion! Am overstocked in my 980 and the filter copes very well indeed! Go for it!
  4. L

    Fishy Game

    Hi fin platy
  5. L

    New Fishy Game

    On the fifth day of christmas my true love gave to me: Five Clown loaches Four sailfin mollies Three 90 gallon tanks Two dwarf frogs and a 60 gallon tank for free
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    Ton Of Questions

    Its costs a bomb!!! spent £1000 plus on mine!
  7. L

    Breeding Rams

    I put my rams in friday and looked in the tank and theres a batch of eggs!!! What do I do now??
  8. L

    Breeding Rams

    Picek up 4 golden rams ( i think ) they were just listed as hybrids,the owner mentioned that they were imported from Israel! There less than 1'' but there the most gorgeous colours around and they cost me £7 each. I will give the tetras a miss i think,or maybe put a few guppys in providing you...
  9. L

    Breeding Rams

    I now have a tank ready for breeding rams,hopefully my lfs owner has said he wil have some off me if lucky enough to breed em! Its a 30'' x 18 x 15,planted with both plastic and live plants,has a large amount of bogwood in as well. Undergravel filter with two powerheads and a 800lph external...
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    Is Ro Water Really Necessary?

    My local is £2 for a 5 gallon tub. Pity beers not that cheap...
  11. L

    Another... New Tank

    Not getting the golden ancistrus now... Am gonna add another powerhead to increase the flow of the water. I think it will be around 4 plecs or various sorts, 2 large angels out of my other tank as well. Maybe a pair of cribs too. And half a dozen torpedo barbs....
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    Coral Beauty

    Im hoping to get some more additions for my clean up crew-just my LFS is not getting any in at the moment.Its in the pipeline dont worry! Regarding the Coral beauty-What does their diet consist of? I thought they would take frozen live food,but doesnt seem interested,It seems to spend most of...
  13. L

    Another... New Tank

    :hey: :hey: Just setting up a tank in mum and dads room... Its 30'' long x 16'' wide and 18'' deep 142 litres Has 700 LPH external filter and 150 watt heater Will be furnished with Bogwood and a fine grade gravel. Hoping to have a small number of plecs. I am interested in a pair of...
  14. L

    Coral Beauty

    Yes it seems to be feeding the clowns feed it and it took a lancefish about 2 days ago,its due another i think. Its positioned itself just below the centre of the tank,im trying to coax it out without handling it as well as i know it wont do it any good at all, Im struggling to identify it...
  15. L

    Coral Beauty

    I was told it was a malu can you confirm?? Mikk
  16. L

    Sexing L200 Plecs

    Heres a piccy of mine,not great but here goes, Is it male or female or cant tell??
  17. L

    Coral Beauty

    Hi all !! Just to let u know now ive got my 2 yellow banded maroon clowns and their anemone,cleaner wrasse and while im writing this im acclimatising my newest addition my coral beauty-its gorgeous!! Anyone on here got one?
  18. L

    wierdest fish?

  19. L


    Welcome to a world of endless information!
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    cheapest marine filtration

    Id have to agree,that post is spot on Navarre :cool: LR is my filter in addition to the skimmer,when my tanks mature i will be removing my external so the main filteration is the LR, LR is the base to a good start so,its well worth it in the long run
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    wierdest fish?

    Is that the one that can swim up ur bits and wedge itself up there??
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    Sexing L200 Plecs

    Its approx 4.5 inches in length :*)
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    Tank backgrounds???

    Ive got some polystrene wooden root effects on my trop tank,all you do is silicone it to the back of the tank,its gives a gr8 3D effect,looks better when algae starts to grow on it as well,cost a tenner for the 2 pieces.
  24. L

    Yellow banded maroon clownfish

    Ive got em! They spent their first nite in the new tank and they seemed to love it! They seem to have taken to the latest coral I put in my tank, Think its a finger coral?? any Exact ID plz? Some piccys at Regards, Mikk
  25. L

    Sexing L200 Plecs

    Presumably those 'spines' facing northwest underneath the eyes are the odontodes? If so,mine are considerably smaller that that one-possibly half the size Female then?
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    Sexing L200 Plecs

    Hes deffo got a pair ,cos ive seen em protrude occasionally. Its the size that matters then...... :*) :*) Or do males and females both have them?
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    Yellow banded maroon clownfish

    Im gonna get a pair! Talked 2 the guy who deals with the marines and he says those are the only pair that live together out of 12 that he had,hes done me the pair for £55 so ive put £15 deposit on em and am going back for em at the weekend!! Hes had em in about 6 weeks and watched them feed as...
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    Sexing L200 Plecs

    What am i looking for with these odontodes? yes,would be nice 2 breed em! I will attempt to photograph him and see if you can guess!!
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    Sexing L200 Plecs

    Hi all. Had my L200 for a while now,was wondering is there a way to sex this species?? Regards, Mikk
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    Live Rock

    Reverse Osmosis i get mine from my LFS, as i understand its a MUST in marine aquariums...
  31. L

    Yellow banded maroon clownfish

    So is that a single or a pair? The ones i saw in the LFS had various single specimens and only one pair together so i wasnt sure,they were £30 each, is that a reasonable price?
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    New Marine Tank

    Seen a little crab today!!! :cool:
  33. L

    Yellow banded maroon clownfish

    Saw a few of these today and thought they were ace!! Was gonna get a pair of clarkii clowns but think im gonna get a pair of these instead.. there £30 each though! Will a pair be ok together or are they best singly.... Can anyone...
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    New Marine Tank

    Just a little update... things are starting to appear on the rock,mainly feather dusters but theres the odd anemone,and quite a lot of ''Seaweed'' as such,also there seems to be a a mass bloom of feathery algae on the glass!! Is this natural ? - i presume its ok and what should i do? Should i...
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    Good £200 - £300 Tank??

    Dont you rate the AquaOne range ?? AFAIK they are big is Australia.... being a native what do u think of them?
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    Mid-level schooling type fish

    Torpedos are ace! Pricey but nice mine cost me £12.50 each! But worth every penny :kana:
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    Mid-level schooling type fish

    Torpedo barbs would suit your requirements i think!
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    New Marine Tank

    Thats just plain tufa rock,chose them as they had really flat bottoms which help with the stability of the rockwork. Got another 8 kilos of rock yesterday, 1 largish piece and about 5 small pieces so hopefully by this time next week ishould have all my rock and the tank should be how it wants...
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    New Marine Tank

    Heres a couple more pics for you 2 look at, One of the new 6.5 kg piece of L.R and the heater powerhead and external 'in' pipe Regards, Mikk
  40. L

    Good £200 - £300 Tank??

    Have you tried the AquaOne range? Cracking tanks,well built and finished nicely,ive got two and there excellent, where are you from by the way,pm me if ya like, :) Mikk